Hey all. I (and my wife-to-be) feel God's call to full time ministry in evangelism. I'm looking into colleges to attend since while I study the scriptures and have learned a lot on my own, I know that a dedicated Bible college would be of tremendous value. My pastor was a graduate of Hyles Anderson College back some 20 years ago and is very pro-HAC (He's not a Hyles-ite though :smilewinkgrin

and several people in my church are HAC grads. I have been looking into the school though and have found some very disturbing things in its history and in the leadership then and now. I was just wondering if anyone on here has any good opinions/counsel on going to HAC. Thanks everyone!
This is one of the most important decisions of your life other than your life partner.
It is important that you consider the following items.
Do not attend a school (university) in which graduation has little value. HAC is on the bottom of the list of worthless schools.
Do not attend a school (university) that is not providing a very diverse and Biblically based education in which not only you are schooled in what the Lord calls, but encourages development of all your talents and participation.
Do not attend a school (university) just because the school is accredited unless you do not intend to pursue higher degree programs in other institutions. Such schools as Harvard are not accredited (last I checked), but the recognition of the degree is international. Accreditation is no guarantee of excellence, but is a recognition of a certain level in which credits and course work meet a minimum acceptability by other institutions.
Do not attend a school (university) that has no historical evidence of world wide recognition. There are a number of schools gathered about a certain view, or personality. But doctrinal sound schools have remained doctrinally sound and graduates would rise to dismantle the university that goes doctrinally askew.
Finally, attend a school that presents an education package that will expose you to the finest of fine arts. There is great importance of being familiar with excellent staging presentations, orchestrations, oratorical contests,...
These are invaluable when you begin your career, and there is great advantage to being able to draw from such resources when presenting the Gospel.
Best wishes in determining the exact schooling The Lord would have you to attend.
I do have this one last thought.
I have rarely met a person at the university level that did not at least discuss changing their major at least once. Many start in one area of emphasis and find that the particular work the Lord would have for them in a related (or even an unrelated) field of emphasis.
Many "preacher boys" find that they excel in administration, in finance, in education, in counseling. The diversity of the educational background will give great flexibility for the Lord to use you as He determines.
I know a preacher boy who just couldn't stay away from the shop classes and construction/engineering side. He has spent his life as a church planter and the experience he gained in the schooling was invaluable to the actual call of Christ on his life.