Wow. You sound like the framers of the United States Declaration of Independence. LOL
The original Brexit was long before that when Henry VIII took us out of the RCC and from under European dictatorship and ffrom under the European court of Rome. Our treacherous politicians in recent years took us back in. Beginning with Ted Heath into the common market. Harold Wilson gave us a referendum to stay in the C.M and said he would honour the result..Which he did.
I didn't realise till a few days ago that David Cameron sadi the same. There was a clip on the news yesterday or the day before, where Cameraon said he would do his best to honour the result. But he didn't, When he lost, he scarpered.
I didn't believe any of the promises made in the referendum. There were lies told on both sides, but mainly by the remain side. I think it was Cameron who said, There would be a third world war.