Actually it was based on spiritual maturity and experience, but you are so emotionally invested in "calvinist bad" "calvinist bad" "calvinist bad" that you will not, can not, see reason.
One of the very first things I learned as a young adult (over 50 years ago) was that you cannot win an emotional argument using reason and logic.
Now, if you would like to discuss the issue without all the personal attacks and name calling, I am still here.
I literally laughed out loud when I read this. In one post, you called me spiritually immature, inexperienced, and unreasonable; then said you're open to discussing the issue without personal attacks and name calling. I'm glad I wasn't drinking my coffee. I may have done a spit take on my Calculus.
Now, here's a second funny thing. I began by calling out an emotional argument (an emotionally charged misrepresentation of the non-Cal theology) by using reason, and showing logically how the misrepresentation of non-Cal theology needed to apply to both sides, and used as it was was asenine logic. And then you bring emotion into it by "dismissing a person's argument based on spiritual maturity and experience". And then claim that I am arguing from emotion. This is just getting silly.
Let's look at my very first post:
Sapper Woody said:
The above view is asinine. Let's follow the logic.
Nothing in that first post was based on emotion. None. It was a clear cut presentation of why I believed that the statement was wrong.
Then, in response:
Protestant said:
I quite understand something about God’s truths upsets you.
So, here I am getting personally attacked by someone saying that truth upsets me, and also someone already saying that I was upset when I used pure logic to illustrate my point.
Then, I admit that I was upset, but not by Calvinism:
Sapper Woody said:
Your teaching, although I disagree with it, does not upset me. Your false assumptions of my belief, then used as "ammunition" against it, is what upsets me. People grow in their Christian walk at different rates. I believe that if you study it out enough, you'll come to see things as I do. You believe the opposite. This doesn't upset me.
Here, I am clearly stating that nothing about Calvinism upsets me. But I hate an unfair argument. I even play the devil's advocate a lot in the Creation vs Evolution debate, because I hate it when Creationists (of which I am one) use arguments full of holes and misrepresentations. So, because I can't stand unreasonable logic, I called him out on it.
Then, again with a personal attack:
Protestant said:
You owe it to yourself to sincerely study the issue before you attempt to refute this basic biblical truth
Because anyone who disagrees with Calvinism obviously hasn't studied it out, right?
Protestant said:
Furthermore, you have no comprehension as to the purpose of Adam’s testing.
More personal attacks.
And then this gem:
Again, this is basic essential Christian truth which lays the groundwork for understanding all other Christian essentials.
So now, because I disagree with Calvinism, I don't understand any other Christian essential.
And then we get to your first post to me, TC:
TCassidy said:
Woody, you are a very young man with very little formal education. Most of those on the BB who believe in Particular Redemption are older and faithful scholars of God's word.
Where you introduce more denigration (a form of personal attack) and the logical fallacy of appeal to authority. (Yet somehow I'm at fault).
I reiterate my entire purpose in this response later:
Sapper Woody said:
My only aim, my entire goal this thread has been to balance the playing field. To show that the arguments the OP used against non-Cals could also apply to Cals.
Finally I get an actual, reasoned response from someone (SovereignGrace) where I don't feel as if he's out to crush me, but wishes to engage in dialogue.
But, then we get to TC's next response to me, in which he accuses me of doing the thing he did:
TCassidy said:
No, Woody, I was, perhaps too subtly, pointing out the error of your logical fallacy of appeal to authority.
Which is hilarious, since he did it an I didn't do it.
TCassidy said:
You call learned men "ignorant" and when challenged committed the logical fallacy of appeal to authority
I pointed out an argument born of ignorance. If that means that person is ignorant, then that's what it means. Or, it means that person knows better, and is being unChristlike by still using the ignorant argument. I guess I could have called "learned men" liars from the get go. Would that have been better?
TCassidy said:
You make spurious accusations then refuse to defend those spurious accusations.
Which is amazing, because up to that point, I hadn't even said someone had lied. Show me these "spurious accusations". There aren't even any "non-spurious accusations" at this point.
Then we get to IT's post:
Internet Theologian said:
You make a remark about how Calvinism is in error
But, the crazy thing is, I didn't. I said I disagreed with it. It's a subtle difference, I'll grant you. But this post was an attempt to get me into the debate of Cal/Arm, which I said I wasn't going to. But, it still remains to be shown where I stated "how Calvinism is in error with certain texts" as IT claimed.
I then pointed out to TC that he was the first to bring upthe appeal to authority fallacy (which I've done here in this post) and he replies with:
TCassidy said:
No, I didn't. I was very gently chastising you for rebuking an elder brother.
1 Timothy 5:1 Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren.
Read my reply, if you want. But I stand by it.
My next post, I didn't elaborate, but I pointed out where Protestant was mistaken about what I believe.
Then, TC decides to step in and denigrate me further, accusing me of things that didn't happen.
Meanwhile, I'm actually into a decent dialogue with the OP. Makes me wonder how much discussion could have been had if TC had left his emotions at the door.
While I was typing this, TC posted:
TCassidy said:
You don't fully understand the doctrine you seem to hate.
I don't hate the doctrine.You are once again projecting emotions onto me which you are obviously feeling yourself. If I believed that Calvinism was sending people to hell, then i'd hate it. I don't believe this.