I see several of these as encouraging churches to disobey the Lord. For example, limiting the number of people coming is a huge overreach by the government. We invite people to church to get them saved, and are obeying Scripture--the government has no say whatsoever.Thanks John.
I am not certain that the requirements set forth in this document apply to John MacArthur's church. The following excerpts are not as restrictive as Pastor MacArthur stated in the video.
These quotes were found after a cursory scanning of the document. However, they serve my purpose of demonstrating my confusion of what he states without supplying supporting documentation.
Shorten services to limit the length of time congregants/visitors spend at facilities whenever possible. This could include limiting speeches, asking congregants/visitors to put on garments at home before arrival, etc.
"Consider implementing a reservation system to limit the number of congregants/visitors attending facilities at a time. This can include the use of digital platforms or other types of tools."
"Encourage congregants/visitors to physically distance themselves from others outside their household, avoid touching surfaces, and to leave the facility if they do not feel well."
"Consider limiting touching for religious and/or cultural purposes, such as holding hands, to members of the same household."
What is your take?
All in all, the CA list I linked to shows that the writer of the regulations has no clue about churches, much less religion. For example, "limiting speeches" is completely ignorant.Really--speeches??? And as a preacher, no one limits my sermons except God and the pastor where I am preaching at that time. My brother recently tried to tell me what to preach, but only the Lord can do that.