Abiyah, please read your PM from me, sent prior to your latest post. I suppose from the responses that were made, I never make my point very clear! I'm sorry. I will try to improve on my delivery. The post was trying to get a feel, for others opinions about the fact, that a lot of churches today have lost their focus on the MAIN THEME. This isn't a slam against you, but I can understand why a person that is looking at this from a Reformed Theology perspective, can beleve that edification is more important than evangelism. The "over their head comment" was not well thought out on my part...I should have said that they missed the point of my post. But, I will not back away from my belief, that there are some people, that have obtained a certain level of education, and that that somehow gives them the liberty to publish their view as the only view possible.
I didn't intend that as a stab against you. I've never heard you preach, you may very well be an exception to the popular belief, among some, that the SBC has gotten liberal, and soft on sin. I only hope that there are still men in that camp, willing to preach the gospel. If you do as you say, and I have no reason to doubt your word, God bless you! I think the balancing act that you mention, isn't that difficult...preach the gospel, throw in some edification for the saints, but preach the gospel! I don't see how anyone can get tired of hearing the preaching of his cross. Let me relate a story. We had a dear lady come to our church a few months ago, that had been an active member in a church, had went everytime the doors were open. She came, and heard the gospel preached, and was saved. How can she go to a church, week in and week out, and never come under the conviction of here sin, and with a contrite heart, turn to the Lord as her only way of salvation? She said they never preached the gospel. That's sad! We should be more concerned for the souls, than the roles. I do hope that it hasn't gotten as bad as it seems. MURPH, please don't take this personal...it wasn't addressed towards you, or do I in anyway believe that your ministry is soft on sin....Like I said, I've never heard you preach. But, whether you want to believe it or not, you are yoked to an association, that many think is adrift, and lost it's focus on what it was left here to do.
God bless.