Did I miss something? Who said they didn't believe in soul-winning?Originally posted by WisdomSeeker:
And when I said what I did about obeying the word of God... it was because of people who have posted on this thread...that they don't believe in soul-winning
The "altar call" is a relatively recent development if that is what you are referring to. Many assign its popularity if not its origin to Charles Finney. Both his methods and theology were unsound.or giving invitations. And quite frankly... I just couldn't believe it.
I don't think you will find one passage of scripture establishing this as God's method for reaching the lost in church or otherwise. The church I went to that did not perform what I knew as an "invitation" usually closed with a hymn, prayer, and a simple offer of help to anyone who would come to the front after church. Anyone who needed help was taken into a private room to be dealt with.
Did I miss something again? Who said this?I was genuinely shocked...that anyone would go to a church that didn't bring up what Christ did....
That is the point of contention. Is church primarily a place to evangelize the lost or a place of worship, training, and fellowship for believers? The example of the New Testament is the latter.I would say that all the teaching about how a Christian should live...won't mean a hill of beans if the person isn't a Christian.