To all who have an ear:
I am not an IFB so I probably should not be even posting at this thread. But, I was raised with a "Bob Jones pastor" and was a Bus Pastor for years and years. I also, in the early to mid 1970s, attended many bus clinics where John R. (as I affectionately call him) and Jack Hyles et al spoke. So I do have experience enough to "have a dog in the fight" as it were.
In addition to my experiential credential, I have taught religion on the college and grad school levels for more than 20 years. I say all this not to toot my own horn but to show some level of credibility before I make my assertion. And I have recently been ask to teach a college level course on 20th Century Christianity. I have been reading in depth on the Fundamentalist's Movement and the Scopes "monkey" Trial of Dayton, TN. (See other recent posts dispersed throughout the BB.)
As a serious student of history I have built and cling to at least three lists that have defined my theology. This is not to say that this is all I believe. These three lists are:
1. The Solas list that came out of the Reformation where the Reformers led by Luther and Calvin recovered the Gospel. (I take it for granted that you know what these are, since we just past the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation?)
2. The Particular Redemption ideas expressed by the T-U-L-I-P acrostic.
3. The Fundamentals as expressed in the The Fundamentals that were written in response to the 1800s German Higher Criticism.
Having laid out my evidence now I present my case for your consideration. (Please think through this carefully and don't "flame" me because I am a Southern Baptist minister, historian, and theologian.)
I propose that the Fundamentalist's Movement has lost the Gospel. The Gospel of Grace that the Reformers recovered. The Gospel of Grace that is expressed in Particular Redemption (TULIP). And the Gospel of Orthodoxy that was expressed in The Fundamentals.
To loose the Gospel, I mean that the fundamentalist movement has made all of the issues of "separation" and
"secondary separation" the main thing and left the core of the Gospel, i.e. the Gospel I wrote about here: The Most Important Question One Can Ask! And because of these and other reasons, like the revivalism of the 1800s with Finney and Moody, the Gospel has denigrated to saying a little ditty of a prayer or "asking Jesus in your heart." (I know that this a simplistic answer and demands more research which I will be doing you can be assured.) I know my thesis it shot full of holes, and is not consistent throughout, and blinded by my own perceptions. But give it some prayerful meditation.
And again I would want some thoughtful discussion not just the same old tired "Fundamentalists rants." And I know that just because I say this that I will be flamed. But all I ask is that you, from within the movement, take a new look at yourselves. And I grant that this is possible else I would not be posting this.
I look forward to some lively but honest discussions. And as a Southern Baptist you can see that we have out LOUD DISCUSSIONS in public.
I am not an IFB so I probably should not be even posting at this thread. But, I was raised with a "Bob Jones pastor" and was a Bus Pastor for years and years. I also, in the early to mid 1970s, attended many bus clinics where John R. (as I affectionately call him) and Jack Hyles et al spoke. So I do have experience enough to "have a dog in the fight" as it were.
In addition to my experiential credential, I have taught religion on the college and grad school levels for more than 20 years. I say all this not to toot my own horn but to show some level of credibility before I make my assertion. And I have recently been ask to teach a college level course on 20th Century Christianity. I have been reading in depth on the Fundamentalist's Movement and the Scopes "monkey" Trial of Dayton, TN. (See other recent posts dispersed throughout the BB.)
As a serious student of history I have built and cling to at least three lists that have defined my theology. This is not to say that this is all I believe. These three lists are:
1. The Solas list that came out of the Reformation where the Reformers led by Luther and Calvin recovered the Gospel. (I take it for granted that you know what these are, since we just past the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation?)
2. The Particular Redemption ideas expressed by the T-U-L-I-P acrostic.
3. The Fundamentals as expressed in the The Fundamentals that were written in response to the 1800s German Higher Criticism.
Having laid out my evidence now I present my case for your consideration. (Please think through this carefully and don't "flame" me because I am a Southern Baptist minister, historian, and theologian.)
I propose that the Fundamentalist's Movement has lost the Gospel. The Gospel of Grace that the Reformers recovered. The Gospel of Grace that is expressed in Particular Redemption (TULIP). And the Gospel of Orthodoxy that was expressed in The Fundamentals.
To loose the Gospel, I mean that the fundamentalist movement has made all of the issues of "separation" and
"secondary separation" the main thing and left the core of the Gospel, i.e. the Gospel I wrote about here: The Most Important Question One Can Ask! And because of these and other reasons, like the revivalism of the 1800s with Finney and Moody, the Gospel has denigrated to saying a little ditty of a prayer or "asking Jesus in your heart." (I know that this a simplistic answer and demands more research which I will be doing you can be assured.) I know my thesis it shot full of holes, and is not consistent throughout, and blinded by my own perceptions. But give it some prayerful meditation.
And again I would want some thoughtful discussion not just the same old tired "Fundamentalists rants." And I know that just because I say this that I will be flamed. But all I ask is that you, from within the movement, take a new look at yourselves. And I grant that this is possible else I would not be posting this.
I look forward to some lively but honest discussions. And as a Southern Baptist you can see that we have out LOUD DISCUSSIONS in public.
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