That would depend on how one wants to view what is really "sovereign?"
Some think sovereignty must mean having complete and utter control of every thought, desire, action, movement, event, will etc. This view has God needing to play both sides of the chess board to guarantee victory. He has to be the General of both armies, to make sure the right one wins. Some don't find this view all that "powerful" or "sovereign." In fact, IMO, it makes Him appear a bit weak and a kid in the sandbox with his army men.
On the other hand, some understand sovereignty as depicted in the scriptures, where God is working out all things for His good and ultimate purposes DESPITE the rule of the evil one over this fallen world. This view has God genuinely overpowering his opponents and winning because He is God while his opponent is a mere creature. This view doesn't place the source of the evil will of creatures in the same place as the source of God's good will.
Some believe this way? Provide a quote and proof.
I believe your view of God is more akin to your sandbox illustration, at least in its illogical and fantastical and irreverent conclusions.
What an unfortunate view of God you present here, whether being sarcastic or facetious, or not, it is clearly wrong and fails to hold His Person in awe. He doesn't have to ensure anything to get a "win." What imprudence on your part to paint Him this way.
All things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and by Him all things consist, or, are held together. Even Satan created for Him, and for His purposes.
For you to compare His Sovereign purposes and control over all creation, that He has made for Himself, in the inflammatory way you have above is uncalled for, and is a total misrepresentation of other believers, and is downplaying the truth that God is Sovereign.
Life isn't a chess board. What is this "playing both sides of the board?" What nonsense. That is how you want to portray God? This is how the true God in Scriptures, who made all things for Himself and His purposes appears to you? How sad. Talk about implications to come from a theology, as you've stated cals have implications to face. Wow.
He has to be the general of both armies? He already is. He's Lord of All, and Almighty, King of Kings, in control of all things at all times.