...and your post is even more ridiculous than Jeremey's.
Let's be fair...all of us. The Gospel is not a Democrat/Republican, Liberal/Conservative thing. This is, by the way, one reason I will not put political signs in my own front yard.
When conservatives look at liberals and, hopefully, pray for their salvation, what do we think that conversion will look like? Do we want Nancy Pelosi to turn into Rush Limbaugh?
Rush, who has never to my knowledge divulged his theology, is assumed to the be the poster-child for American Christian Conservatives. But, Christianity is more than being conservative.
What would it look like if a conservative person, perhaps even Rush Limbaugh himself, were to come to Christ? What transformation(s) would have to occur and what might that look like?
If you say "Rush wouldn't have to change anything," you might have confused conservatism with the Gospel--and this is a huge problem for you and a problem in our society.
Now, I do have to wonder how a true Christian can align himself or herself with the Democratic party when considering that the Democratic Party espouses both Abortion and Gay Marriage. Why would a true Christian not distance himself or herself from a group that espouses such anti-biblical things?
I know it is possible to be a liberal and be a Christian. I think a liberal is less likely to be a true believer, but I must admit it is possible.
I will say this: I am a registered Republican...but I am not always happy with what the Republicans do and how they do it. But, on the day they remove the anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage plank from their platform (or put in a pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage, rather than remaining silent) that is the day I become a registered Independent. In fact, calling myself a "Conservatarian" (a mix of conservative and libertarian), the only reason I remain a registered Republican is so that I can vote in primary contests.
For what it's worth, don't confuse Christianity with being a conservative. And don't confuse being God-less with being a liberal. The proof of one's Christianity is in many other, more important things.
The Archangel