And what vexactly was/is my heresy than?
I see what goes on this forum, and after this day, I will no longer be a participant, but as I did make reference to your posts, I will respond to the question you had about it.
You asked me to show your heresy.
What I referred to was your choice to believe the command of the Lord to be baptized does not apply to you.
You go further by attempting to inflict this choice upon others, in your efforts to convince them of the same thing.
This goes a bit beyond mere heresy.
Baptism is an “Ordinance” observed by the Baptist church.
It is called an “Ordinance” for a very good reason.
It has to do with whether or not one acknowledges Jesus Christ as “LORD”.
You see, we can only serve one master. The Lord God, or the Adversary.
It is one, or the other, as there is no middle ground.
A failure to accept the command of the Lord, demonstrates a failure to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the LORD.
What we say to others will serve as a witness to which master we have chosen to serve come judgment day.
Your long list of excuses as to why you chose not to obey the Command of the Lord, and instead chose to busy yourself trying to subvert others from doing so, will be your testimony come judgment day, if you do not repent of this falsehood, and pray for forgiveness for having ever taught it to others.
If you have made these choices because of being misled about why a Baptist gets baptized, which is what I strongly suspect is so, perhaps I can remedy that error.
I tell you first that a bible believing Christian should not think the rite of water Baptism has to do with Salvation.
Consider the thief upon the cross who gained the glory without being Baptized.
He was saved by Grace, just as all who are in the Body of Christ are saved.
Whenever a Baptist wades into the water, it is in obedience to the COMMAND of our GOD.
Through this rite we say to the world around us that we accept Jesus Christ as our LORD.
We were already “SAVED” before we got one toe wet.
A Bible Believing Christian who can read through Acts 2, will know this truth.
If you were to ask me “If baptism does not have to do with Salvation, what does it have to do with?”
I will say, all the symbolic aspects aside, it has to do with our acknowledgment of the LORDSHIP of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I have chosen to follow the Commands of the Lord.
Who is your master?