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Has the KJVO movement Hijacked the IFB

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by Bro.Bill, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    What I'd like to know is when and how the KJVO myth first invaded any IFB churches. It certainly isn't fundamental, being wholly man-made, wholly non-Scriptural, and wholly FALSE. IFB has a good track record of not accepting the other modern false doctrines, but many of them have sure stumbled over THIS one.
  2. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Please step into the Versions forum for some education on the subject. Seems as if you're following the same party-line Onlyism that's invaded IFB. It's all a man-made myth.
  3. AF Guy N Paradise

    AF Guy N Paradise Active Member
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    Apr 1, 2002
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    What if you moved into a smallish town with only 2 choices:

    A IFB who only uses the KJV and has a rather conservative stand on all major issues or

    A SBC that used many versions and had rather liberal views and teachings all the way from homosexuals to women preachers to clothing, etc....

    Neither would be perfect but I think you would learn more, grow more, and mature more in the former. Just my opinion, but I will be moving abck to the CONUS soon and from some of the places I may end up I see this decision may need to be made. I have not found a good solid middle ground IFB church in some particular cities. They seem to be too much KJVO, but the next level down is way too liberal for me and don't seem to be very conservative in any of their views. It will be a tough call.

  4. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I would probably drive to another town or start a church. I could not go to a hyper-KJV church ir SBC church described.
  5. AF Guy N Paradise

    AF Guy N Paradise Active Member
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    Apr 1, 2002
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    I guess I may have to drive a ways out. And forget about the Base Chapel, they are more watered down than Pearl Harbor in most cases. I find out 12 Apr where I may be headed next.......
  6. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Thats actually an excellent question AFG. If the IFB church used only the KJV, but versions was otherwise a non-issue, I would give it a go.
  7. ForHisGlory15

    ForHisGlory15 New Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    The Enemy is devious, and if he can't get us one way, he'll try another. This false teaching came wrapped in a spiritual cloak. There has been a biblical awakening among many sound fundamentalists, however, and there are godly theologians who are calling for the battle lines to be drawn, and it will be interesting to see who will be willing to take the heat. There are some institutions squirming over the thought of all this right now, not quite sure they're willing to ostracize a portion of their constituency. It's easy to take a stand gloriously raise the banner if it doesn't cost us anything, and in fact, may even be drawing others to us for our great strength; but will we be willing to raise it if it is truly going to cost us?
  8. aefting

    aefting New Member

    Sep 17, 2002
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    Churches are squirming over the issue, too. What if you have several influencial/key members who are KJVO but not militantly so. Do you just ignore the issue because it isn't causing a problem locally or do you press the issue and potentially lose those members?

  9. AF Guy N Paradise

    AF Guy N Paradise Active Member
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    Apr 1, 2002
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    Good point. In my church, we use the KJV to preach, teach, or read aloud. We would never kick someone out or point fingers if some folks bring other versions in. But our rule is if you read aloud, preach, etc..... you will use the KJV. We have a pamphlet why we use it, but the pastor has stated many times that other versions can work and get people saved. He even did a lesson on looking for a new church and stated that if you visit a church's website or actually go and visit a particular church where all you saw was KJV1611 and reasons why KJV is superior, you may not want to join that church. They are focusing on one issue too much when there are other issues as important.

    For me, I love the unity. When I read Christian books or do a online Bible study when other versions are used, I just don't feel as comfortable. I still learn and grow, but I never realized how some versions of one verse are totally different than the same KJV verse. Probably getting off topic, sorry. God Bless and Aloha.
  10. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    I guess I may have to drive a ways out. And forget about the Base Chapel, they are more watered down than Pearl Harbor in most cases. I find out 12 Apr where I may be headed next....... </font>[/QUOTE]We drive 30 minutes and have driven almost an hour for these very reasons.

    I was unable to get support since my area is very rural and sparsely populated but a military base might be attractive to church planters.

    BJU has a church planting ministry as does the BBFI. A group called Baptist Church Planters is somehow associated with GARBC. They had the church 50 minutes from us. All other things being equal, I would have chosen that church.
  11. ForHisGlory15

    ForHisGlory15 New Member

    Jan 24, 2005
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    Yes, I should have said "institutions AND churches." It doesn't seem that too many ministries would be exempt from the fallout. If a statement of faith were made, it would be directed against the false doctrine of the inspired version which would separate us from the militants. However, I also have a special concern for those as you have just mentioned at your church. Would you say that most of these dear folk usually lack an understanding or even meaningful interest in the theological ramifications surrounding the translation issue, and tend to be driven more by the influence of their upbringing, previous ministry, and/or tradition? I wonder how many non-militants are KVJO preferred as they say, and how many are actually KJVO who would become militant if pushed? I know of several situations where this scenario has taken place. There is much that concerns me about the fallout, but not addressing the issue of the false doctrine concerns me more.
  12. Plain ol' Ralph

    Plain ol' Ralph New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
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    I just got into this "conversation", and I probably won't reply to many of the "comments", but Sir, you are either lying or mis-informed. I know several pastors in that area and they are not as you have described.

    May I suggest you do some research before you spout off again?
  13. Plain ol' Ralph

    Plain ol' Ralph New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
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    Hmmm? Mebe the ulterior motive is to be exposed?

    Don't "attack" the KJB, just ATTACK anyone and everyone who knows it IS the Word of God?

    Attack the churches that hold it dear?

    Attack the Truth and invent and suggest misinformation to validate their opinion?


    And we're "not growing"???????????? [​IMG] [​IMG] :rolleyes: [​IMG]
  14. PastorSBC1303

    PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    I always find this topic to be interesting. I grew up just a few minutes from FBC Hammond, Indiana and all of that IFB influence. I had a IFB pastor tell me one time that I was lost because my mother led me to the Lord with an NIV.

    I personally have no problem with those who want to use the KJV. But when you start basing salvation on it, you have crossed the line.
  15. aefting

    aefting New Member

    Sep 17, 2002
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    I think they have been lead astray by a previous ministry. Let's face it, for conservative Christians, change often means compromise. You look around and you see the world and evangelicalism in general moving further and further away from God. It is easy for a dynamic, pulpit pounding preacher to convince people that all these Bible versions are just another example of this trend.

    The sloppy terminology used by otherwise good men also contributes to the problem. I think we really need to stop referring to translations as inspired. What God breathed out originally was inspired but translations and copies are not, and as such they can and do contain errors.

    Maybe because of the use of poor terminology, there is a tremendous reluctance on the part of preachers to deal with the issue of variants. I think people in the pew can handle more truth than what preachers give them credit for.

    I agree with you that not addressing the problem concerns me more. Of course, I'm not the pastor....

  16. Christlifter

    Christlifter New Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    My first post... I'm Sacramento, Ca.

    I grew up a demon-possessed, deceived Prophetic Charasmaniac w/"the gifts" (from about 5 until 20)-and I was told that the unclean spirit was the Holy Spirit- until Jesus Christ delivered me and saved me in the same weekend (Jan 15-17 2000) while I was in the Army. Now the guy that led me to Christ, using the "Romans Road" (which is not a bad idea for those who have a measure of understanding)was saved and discipled in a IFB church in N. Carolina while a Marine. As far as I know from my one visit to that church, on the way to the Sword of the Lord conference, they are KJV. I had an NIV before and after I was born again and FROM WHAT I CAN TELL it did nothing for me spiritually, to even get close to the fundamental doctrines, not to mention ommissions or questionings of logical, key-point verses. I guess what my qualm is: from my own reading and Christian walk thus far, that although the KJV has Greek/Hebrew to English vaugeness or cloudiness in some words, I am thoroughly convinced that the underlying text IS in fact the purest form of God's Word,and that all transliterations or language translations should be derived from them, but not the KJV itself, unless no other choice. Is Ruckman an example of an True KJVO? Then I don't believe that I am or anybody I know is, if that's so.
    The IFB problem isn't KJVO v. KJV preferred or otherwise; It is those who have a prideful attitude about their orthodoxy (as correct as it may be) which is stemed in self and not in Christ.

    Because of Calvary and for you,

    Bro. Brandon
  17. superdave

    superdave New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Hmmm? Mebe the ulterior motive is to be exposed?

    Yes, That is what I am doing

    Don't "attack" the KJB, just ATTACK anyone and everyone who knows it IS the Word of God?

    Ok, so lets see some of those, I know the KJV is the Word of God, why would I attack myself

    Attack the churches that hold it dear?

    No, haven't seen that either. Plenty of Churches hold it dear without going beyond what is written

    Attack the Truth and invent and suggest misinformation to validate their opinion?

    Plenty of that, on both sides


    And we're "not growing"????????????

    There are 4 Non-denominational pentecostal churches within 10 min of my house, they are all growing, I guess they must be right. At least, I think that's what you are saying. If not, what does growth have to do with Truth? My church is growing as well, and is not KJVonly, God is blessing incredibly, would he do that if we were not basing our ministry on his Word???? :rolleyes:
  18. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    What I find intersting is that too many question one's salvation when Jesus never asked if a person was saved. He told them to "Come follow Me." His message was simple and direct.
  19. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    That is so sad to see an ifb pastor say something like that. Even most KJVonly sect who distance themselves from such false teaching.

    But that IS what the leaders and founders of the movement taught.
  20. Plain Old Bill

    Plain Old Bill New Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    I would have asked that IFB pastor if he understood what heresy is because that is what he was teaching.