I agree with you. So where can we stand firmly as believers when it applies to things that are legitimately inexplicable without trying to Christianize it? I'm not given to conspiracy theories, ghost stories, or aliens or their so-called abductions. I'm not lured into the mystical. I can't, however, ascribe things in these categories to something outside of creation, including the spiritual realm. I know scripture is without details on much of this and I personally think it's because it's addressed in a general fashion, such as what you have mentioned above. The true battles we face everyday are of a spiritual nature. If part of Satan's nature as a roaring lion is to seek out and devour and destroy, it follows that his cohorts do the same, does it not? My son and I are standing in the driveway one warm summer night in the country looking up at the night sky. We do this often because we enjoy looking for asteroids and shooting stars and it usually leads to a discussion of creation. This particular night, there are no sounds of aircraft or traffic. At the end of the cul-de-sac, approx. 100-150 yards away, there are some lights in just some odd formation that at first we thought were stationary, but then we realize they are moving. There is no twinkling or flashing and the movement is very slow. The altitude was roughly 500-1000 feet. We watched for probably ten minutes, talking about it and how it was without sound, pondered the possibility of it, and then went inside. I have no idea what it was but I don't teach my son about aliens because there is no scripture to back that up, but spiritual powers on this earth that perform such acts, or at the least make us think we're seeing something, I think is a very real possibility. Anyone weak in their faith or having no believing faith in Christ and looking for meaning could easily be duped into believing in "higher forms of life" or "E.T.", which in turn can create all kinds of problems for a non-believer including spiritual demise if their eyes aren't opened to the truth. That's the trick isn't it? If Satan can create doubt about truth just as he did in the garden, then there's plenty of room for everything else in the human heart and mind. All he has to do is muddy the water a little, convert the one truth into many false truths, take focus off of God and his own existence, and from that point on it can easily go in any direction. Have we forgotten where relativism does? Am I way off base here? It's just me, right? Gone too far in my incoherent rant?