I have said repeatedly that the sin part comes in when one abstains thinking it is a sin and it puts him at a THIRTY PERCENT GREATER risk of heart disease which is the number one killer of men.
The above is where, in my eyes, you keep messing up.
1. The scripture never, not once ever, states that if a person thinks it is sin to drink (or eat meat -and you know the passage this comes from) that it is a sin for them. In fact it states the very OPPOSITE. It is NOT sin but for the person who offends them in doing such, or causes them to stumble, THEY are the sinners, not the one who considers it wrong.
This doesn't mean we shouldn't come along side them and encourage them through study to understand the fullness of scripture however them having such a view is not sinful.. at least according to scripture.
2. Your 30% isn't factual nor is it held by any of the creditable health organizations. For one, most all agree that it is possibly beneficial for older men but men in their 20's and 30's it could can more harm than good. Look back at my last post or two. I give what Mayo Clinic states on the subject.
Another issue with your assumption is that the potential benefit (which is actually less than 30% by these institutions, and the amount consumed is 4 oz. less as well) is potential for SOME not all.
Consider this scenario. A man likes beer in his twenties. He drinks about a pint a day. Research indicates that if he continues this practice he is THIRTY PERCENT LESS LIKELY TO CONTRACT THE NUMBER ONE KILLER OF MEN.
Less than a pint a day, and if the man simply exercises and eats nominally healthy, he never has to take a swallow and has a HIGHER chance of not contracting the disease.
Here is what I am saying. There is a lot of sin the leads to this mans death by a heart attack at age 44 leaving a family of three teenagers, a toddler and an unemployed wife behind to fend for themselves.
And the ex-drunkard, who was encouraged to drink, even when he knew he should not but was told he was an immature christian because he couldn't handle himself in Christ when his brothers were thirsty for a good brew. Of which brought him back to drinking (encouraged by his blessed Godly brothers) and into bondage once again, who after hitting his wife in his drunken stupor, and then suddenly ashamed of what he did and had become again, left the house and died in a car accident, leaving his wife and two preteen kids, what of that man.
This isn't an exaggeration, but actually happened and I personally know the family and church where happened (back in SC). What is sad, is that those 'brothers' still take no responsibility in the man's action as it is their God given freedom to drink and no one should tell them when they should drink or not. By their own statement it was the man's fault for letting it get the best of him. That was 9 years ago, and 4 of those gentlemen today are in AA trying to get over their additions, one of which confesses he was an alcoholic during that time and prior but no one but him knew.
LISTEN - I'm not stating this is the norm but it is a legitimate story and true, and though a bit extreme, in truth it does happen. I'm not advocating NOT drinking due to this, I'm just saying there is another side of the coin you are ignoring whether intentionally or not but one that is just as valid and needs to be brought into the evaluation.
There's the sin of stupidity and arrogance on the part of the preacher.
The sin is in the arrogance of the preacher or man who wishes to change their mind so they will begin drinking or at least let the others drink, and NOT so that the weak Christian might understand better the scriptures. It is most often about the person who wants to drink and not other persons spiritual growth and relationship with God. The sin there is that which is not of love for thy brother - True love is selfless - giving up our lives for one another as Christ gave His life for us. (1 John 3:16)
There's the same sin on the part of the movement of which that preacher is a part.
While it might not be 100% right, I commend them for upholding the faith and teaching it as they understand it. At the very least, you have a preacher that is being faithful to what he knows and doing what he is called to do - preach and teach the word of God. I wish more would have the guts to do it.
I'm not speaking down to you but I would encourage you to meditate upon Romans 14, it deals with this very thing.
There's the sin of all people involved calling that which God calls good- evil.
Finally, there's the sin of the young man who should be a more critical thinker, who should not have shunned a practice that would have reduced his risk of heart disease which killed him by THIRTY PERCENT. This action on his part stole from his children a very needed father, stole from his wife a very needed husband, etc...
It is sad that you bow down to the 30% marker as if that gives drinking a some biblical standing, when in fact that average is lower, and not for many, potentially not beneficial for men in their 20 and 30's.