Denying masculinity had nothing to do with it. Quite the contrary..., we were expected to present a "Rambo" persona in order to not be considered a "Sissy" therefore having to fight our way home every day after school. Everyone just knew that my father was a U.S. Marine and I suppose that some of the kids just considered me the equivalent of a 6th grade Combat Trained Killer. But there was always some kid who wanted to try you. (It's kinda funny to look back to those days)
Maybe that's why my boys haven't been picked on much either? :laugh:
You may have also learned how to fit in well with your peers because you had to learn to be flexible. I noticed that about military kids when I was at school. My city had a big army base and so I knew a few army kids.
Regarding the Feminists Movement..., I find that quite disturbing. Media is sending all the wrong signals.
From what I have read the feminist movement started out with some good motives. e.g. right to vote, right for good education etc. Then women who have trouble with men (for whatever reason) gained too much control. It is like an "anti-men" worldview is behind the scenes pulling all the strings.
*Family breakdown -> no good male models -> sons become weak/non-existent fathers -> their sons copy "fathers"
* men can't be at home because working too hard -> weak influence on sons
* "anti-male bias" in education (was subtle in my CATHOLIC girls' school and obvious in my secular University)
* far fewer male teachers (Australia), partly fear of being looked at suspiciously, education curriculum far more female style thinking friendly
* women heros in TV/movies, straight men fools
* experts' opinions count (Dr Phil) where it comes to children not the average male's.....
* have heard of extremists saying that men are no longer needed now IVF is permitted for g*y couples (one female Australian politician's partner is having a baby via IVF)
That list is just off the top of my head, I am sure you can think of much more (sadly).
What is really amazing to me is the number of women who are having themselves tattoo'd.
Yes I think it is extremely unattractive, especially on women. It does make the person look "cheaper" no matter how well the tattoo may be done.
Yes, many young women of today are quite confused. The title of this thread could also include the raising of young girls into womanhood. What a mess this world is in.
God in His mercy gave me two boys. The feminist viewpoint is being broken at my level. I am determined to ensure my boys treat women with respect but I am equally determined that they are going to be strong men who stand up for themselves no matter what.