I was gonna come back and boast of all the decisions for Christ that I got that day and say I led like 10 souls to the Lord. However most if not all of them would be false converts since they only repeated a prayer, but since I did not get much into sin, they walked away still the same proud unbeliever. Yes I am sure even the Pantheist could repeat the prayer, and walk away believing in multiple gods.
I had a Facebook friend whose page I was checking out, and saw one of her friends had posted that he had led about 80 people to "pray the prayer" that day. It intrigued me, so I checked out his page. Every day was this outrageous number of people
"prayed the prayer with 137 people today"
"had 154 today"
"led 122 people to pray the sinner's prayer today"
"bad day, only led 56 people to pray the prayer today"
Being a numbers guy, I started some quick figurin'
Ok, suppose he goes out at 10am and stays out til 8pm. That's 10 hours. Divide that into 137, and you have 13.7 per hour. Or even suppose some are two at a time, make it 10 every hour. One every 6 minutes. All day long. Now suppose he spends a whole minute flagging down the next guy, he's got 5 minutes. But suppose he flags down 3 people before he gets one to let him have his say, he's got 3 minutes. Wow
Can we make a "pitch" in 3 minutes? Sure. But all day, every day? Hmmm
I think I'm generous with the percentages, too.
I thought "sure, ok. You conned 137 people into repeating a prayer, but how many of them believed upon Christ?"