Good thread. I have always thought of Proverbs 6:16-19 as a good basis for detecting "wolves in sheep's clothing" within a local church.
Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the LORD HATES, seven that are DETESTABLE to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
Usually, these will be church members that are troublemakers, always picking a fight in the local church, or starting one between two parties then slipping into the background. Also, usually, they promote non sins as a judgement of others, such as dancing and gambling, that no Biblical case can be made for either to be a sin. They do anything to deflect the fact that they themselves are the core of the problem. In modern terms, this is called the church gossip.
While they are worried about dancing, lottery tickets and movies, they practice exactly what these verses say. Again, in modern terms, the Lord hates the arrogant and proud, a liar, those favoring abortion, a person that plays games with fellow believers, do not walk but run to spread gossip, the gossip itself, and doing everything he or she can to cause disunity and harm the work of the Holy Spirit through the local church for Jesus Christ.
One can spot them a mile away. When someone comes to me with a tale to tell, I figure it is either to inform me so I can pray for them and help to restore them, or as is usually the case, to exercise their warped enjoyment of gossip at the expense of others. When I conclude it is number two, its hit the road Jack.
Another group that falls right into these verses are cliques of people or pockets of power within a local church that exceed their Biblical authority. It can take the form of out of control deacons, or maybe a group of members that are in the upper income class for the community. They usually try and control the decisions of a pastor or other church leader. If congregations would stand up, and disfellowship such individuals, including the gossips, it would stop.