... that the truth has gotten out now.
The disturbing part of this is that the vaccinators have known about the vaccine failure at least from the early summer. But rather than calling off the worldwide vaccination drives that have injected hundreds of millions of people with ineffective substances, the vaccinators changed their tack and argued that even though the vaccines will not protect you from infection they will still keep you from serious Covid and death.
Last week, however, this lie was also put to rest by none other than Dr. Fauci himself.
How, then, should we describe vaccines that:
Last week, however, this lie was also put to rest by none other than Dr. Fauci himself.
How, then, should we describe vaccines that:
Do not protect their recipients from getting infected and infecting others, and
Do not protect their recipients against hospitalization and death?
Do not protect their recipients against hospitalization and death?