PRINCETON, NJ -- Nearly two in three uninsured Americans say they will get insurance by Jan. 1, 2014, rather than pay a fine as mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), while one in four say they will pay the fine
They need an estimated 92% participation to pay for it. That's out of
all Americans, not just the uninsured. They have to put private insurers out of business to do that. Seventy-five percent won't pay for the program and it will become a black-hole drain on the budget. That's why they've designed the program to force private insurers to increase rates by no less than 55% -- and in some cases, trebled or quadrupled -- across the board. This is quite simply a government program solely designed for the purpose of destroying the free-enterprise system in health insurance. Because it is taxpayer supported far beyond the premiums charged, the private companies cannot compete, and HHS and the IRS knew this from the start.
Once that information becomes common knowledge, people are going to rise up and demand the ACA be repealed. Particularly when the premiums will
have to increase because participation will never, not in a million years, reach 92% even if all the private insurers close their doors -- which also won't happen, because some of the are too stubborn to let the government force them out. Live with it. It's going to fail, no matter how many pretty numbers you try to attach to it.
My fine is only 95 dollars
Next year it will be, as the 2014 penalty is prescribed at $95 or 1% of household income, whichever is greater. By 2017, it will be $695 plus a cost of living adjustment, or 2.5% of household income, whichever is greater.