Hey folks thought I’d give you an update above how things have been going it has been a rough two years with the stroke I suffered in the continuing battle against this cancer I’ve had a subtotal colectomy and a liver dissection the liver dissection did not go so well somebody left a tube in my belly and it has wreaked havoc with my digestive system I’ve lost 30 pounds but I battle on. I go to the hospital for an infusion just about every day and I’ve been admitted so many times I’ve lost count. My wife’s been amazing and I have a good support group and the other day I had a surprise visit from from a preacher who just happen to stop by to see how I was doing and who prayed with me. All in all this has been a test of my faith. Jesus Christ is Lord and in him I place my trust no matter what happens my eternity is secure. Please pray that God’s will be done.