I know someone in a Church. This person thinks that whatever the pastor says is what the Bible says and that he can never disagree with the pastor.
If he disagrees with the pastor he feels really guilty.. I have kindly tried to show this friend Acts 17 and teach him about the Bereans but it has done no good because the pastor has not taught that.
To me its more about being spirit led and driven by the Bible than by what the pastor says as plenty of pastors say that the KJV is God's only translation, wearing pants is a sin, having a beard is a sin, going to the movies is a sin and so forth.
However I think only prayer and the Holy Spirit can help this friend. Think of the Midonites and other Fundamentalist groups that bear people down with burdens and the yoke of slavery.
This is not Biblical nor right and Jesus had strong words to say about legalists. Sad how very sad it is...
I spaced out your posting a bit to kinda separate your thoughts.
There is much that isn't known about your friend and his relationship with his church.
1. If your friend is saved, isn't it better that he attend a church and be comfortable (for lack of a better term) than to attend and be in strife with his church? Assuming that he does not have a mental problem in that he can't understand and think through things himself. And see point 2.
2. There are some pastors who should NOT be in the pulpit. It doesn't matter what sect/catagory we place his congregation. Where does a preacher's responsbility lie with regards to what another pastor is preaching? Does your responsbility lie with talking to your friend's pastor since you are trying to change a member of his congregation? Since I'm a layman I've never had to deal with this issue. Again, assuming your friend is already a member of the body of Christ. Are you stirring up a confict with your friend, that DOES NOT have to happen?
Where do pastors draw the line with regards to what pastors in other churches preach? (I'm not talking about "churches" that are part of what most consider to be cults.) Is it the responsbility of a preacher in any "flavor" of Baptist church, to fight the battle of doctrine using members of another "flavor" as ammunition? This is said on the premise that the other pastor is a God-called preacher. Do you know that your friend's pastor is NOT God-called?
3. As a layman witness, one of the things I'm concerned about is whether I do harm with my witness to others. Using any of the subjects that you mentioned, whether pants, beards or KJB, can I do harm rather than bringing glory to God if I focus on those issues with another person regardless of their relationship with Him? IMO, it is just as wrong to be "legalistic" in opposing legalists.
I don't know how to say this without others reading more into my words than what I intend. Please let me try and I hope you and others understand my intent.
Using pants as an example. Within a particular assembly of believers, yes this can be an issue. Each BAPTIST church establishes the principles surrounding their assembly to worship our Lord. Church A says no to pants. Church B is OK with pants. Both are led by a God-called pastor who preaches the gospel of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Is it my responsbility to our Lord to create strife, doubt and confusion among members of either church if I am a member of the opposing OPINION? The answer should be a resounding NO. There are far greater issues and challenges facing each church than whether a woman's garment is divided by a seam.
Legalism is a two edged sword and it's cutting both ways. A very effective weapon, in the hands of satan, to create strife, doubt and confusion among members of the body of Christ. Whether those members belong to A or B.
In closing, IMO it isn't wrong to
discuss the differences between A and B. To discuss why there is a difference. As long as we don't give satan the opportunity to wield his sword. There is a line in the sand that shouldn't be crossed by A or B.
I hope these words correctly convey what I'm trying to say.
