Well-Known Member
Jesus did not suffer for eternity on the cross, and he did not spend eternity in the heart of the earth, but he suffered the punishment for sin, which is death.
Christ is the "Atoning Sacrifice for OUR sins and NOT for our sins only but for the SINS of the WHOLE World" 1John 2:2
Is 53 "he took the punishment for us to WHOM the STROKE was due".
Christ took the accumulated torment for all of sin - all mankind - all of time and paid it all at the cross.
And again, Mat 18:34 seems to imply this person can eventually pay their debt, It does not say they survive the payment.
Only that the complete debt is eventually paid in full - the law satisfied when the sinner pays the full debt demanded by the Law of God.
This is also why Christ can sum-up and pay the FULL debt of all sin for all men in all time. The exact amount owed.
Is 53 "He took the punishment for US to whom the STROKE was DUE"
I know I know "stroke does not sound like eternal punishment - but rather finite".
Sorry but that is the way it is - no Purgatory only hell and it is finite.
Even Sodom and Gomorrah are examples of it.
Jude 1
, 7 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.
in Christ,
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