My daughter was leaning in the wrong direction when she first went to college. Nothing real bad at this point except that she was very, VERY much into the "social "lifestyle. She had an opportunity to have a local family sponsor her for some social event in this town that usually included the father.
However I told her that whether she accepted the invite was her choice, BUT that I did not approve and was not going to be a part of the scene.
Course I was the "mean old Dad", but she declined and things sorta stayed the same for several months.
Then she was home for Christmas break her sophomore year, and naturally the social life was real obvious again.
I was working on a SS lesson one night and thinking about her, and God put the notion in my head to write her a letter.
I've always been able to write my sentiments far better than verbalize anyway, so I started.
The gist of the letter (4 handwritten pages) was:
1 That I loved her no matter what,
2 That legally she was an adult now, and the only influence I had over her NOW was whatever she allowed,
3 I wanted only the best for her, and God likewise, and I was not going to interfere in her choices in life except thru prayer and/or at her own request,
4 She is now responsible for her own choices and any consequences of same,
and last, but certainly not least
5 I, as her earthly father, was turning her over to God to handle as He saw fit
I also told her that I sure hoped that God would not have to knock her flat on her back so she would look up, but if that's what it took, well-----!
She is 41 now and her walk with Him is far stronger than mine, and I thank God profusely for that!!!
Don't know if there are any seeds here you can use, but all I can recommend is turning her over to Him, and let her know what you have done and why!!
May God richly bless your efforts.