I think a man who serves as senior pastor is usually a well spoken person who everyone likes and wants to be near. And, it's his job to project spirituality even on days when things aren't going to great for him. We expect him to always have the right thing to say in every situation, and he usually does. This is all just human nature.
Well, one evening the pastor at a church I was attending (a really big church) said there was going to be a healing service that night. No, not a Benny Hinn "knock 'em in the head and they fall over" healing service, but elders of the church were standing in the back with bottles of anointing oil and if anyone was sick or afflicted that the elders were there to pray for them for their healing. And the pastor just about guaranteed, though not using that exact word, that people would be healed.
Well, my eyesight had been failing me and multiple ophthalmologists had been unable to figure out what was going on. So I got in line, and I was annointed and prayed for. Within two days the name of another ophthalmologist was given to me. I had an appointment the next week, surgery followed, and my vision is now 20/20 with glasses. God heals, and I give Him no less credit for using a doctor to do the busy work.
James made it clear, we are to call on the elders of the church. The pastor is great, and he's one of the elders too of course, but it is the obedience that God wants, not us seeking to promote our good emotional feelings. Give me the youngest elder of the church with a bottle of oil and God will do His part every time.