Good question. Our Presbyterian brethren would claim they are not hierarchical in their church government. They see the authority in the church vested in elders. The Papist system is a true hierarchy with one man who calls the shots at the top.
Even in elder lead Baptist churches there is not one person in charge at the top.
Pastor lead Baptist churches can operate differently. In some of those churches the pastor reigns with almost dictatorial impunity. The deacons/elders have little say. Still, there are some churches where the pastor has very little say. The deacons/elders are the ones who give him his marching orders.
Baskin Robbins may have 51 flavors, but Baptists rival the ice cream giant in their own right.
As I said, I was a Presbyterian. This is one of the main reasons I am now a Baptist. A local church has all the wisdom of a presbytery, a synod, a general assembly, the pope, a council of bishops, etc. I do not want a higher authority dictating to me what our budget will be, who I can call as a pastor, whether or not I can get rid of a pastor, how I modify my church building, what Sunday School material I order, etc.
If there is a dictator in an autonomous church, then the congregation or elders, depending on their form of government, can boot him out the door. No problem. Several decades ago, we had deacons that thought they "ran the church." The congregation has the right to take away his ordination. So there are plenty of checks. A higher form of government does not provide a solution. A presbytery accomplishes nothing except waste time, money, and space. The work of the Lord is done at the local church level.