My Turn...
I've only read about half the posts in this thread but that's enough for me. I'll toss in my 10 cents worth because I am familiar with the topic and the issues swirling around it since I live in the county in upstate SC where this happened. The whole issue stems from a few complaints filed with the ACLU and the "Freedom From Religion" foundation which then threatened to sue the local school district over the matter of sectarian prayer being included at the beginning of each school board meeting. The prayers were offered by students who volunteered to say them with a different one being selected for each meeting. It was a long standing tradition in our county that apparently offended a small number of atheist parents. There were heavily attended (100's)meetings held which were attended by the public to debate the matter (which were OVERWHELMINGLY IN FAVOR of continuing the practice)but the final decision by the district, on advise of the state legal council was to abandon the tradition just due to the fact that the above named agencies ( I call'em terrorist groups!) vowed to sue the District if it continued. The will of the majority of the tax-paying citizens was ignored to satisfy the vocal minority. In short...the school district caved in to the demands of the atheists. The decision to elliminate sanctioned prayer altogether was tied to that.
All this is the result of the unconstitutional interpretation of our US Constitution by the (so-called) Supreme Court which has resulted in an ungodly, unbiblical, and bogus thing called "separation of Church and State". It is a "law" that I feel no obligation to obey since it is anything but Biblical and contrary to God. Apparently, this young man had the courage of his convictions and exercised his right to freely express his heart-felt conviction. I applaud him. I do acknowledge though that if we choose to disobey the civil laws of this land then we may pay a civil penalty for doing so. When the laws of our land are contrary to the laws of God then the choices will be clear (and the results not too pleasant) This matter of "gay rights" that is being forced upon this country, and indeed this whole world, may well be the "acid test" that proves the validity of those who profess faith as opposed to those who actually HAVE IT. That is a topic for another thread but it came to there it is. The young man in question maybe could have said some things that were more effective... maybe not...but he had a lot of "moxy" and courage to say what he did. I'd be happy to stand with him any time. As a resident of this County and a tax-paying citizen, as well as a Bible Believing Christian, I applaud him.:applause::applause: