So if we are going to follow your logical form, because we are all sinners in God's eyes, than the government also shouldn't punish those who rape or steal?
That's YOUR logical form. It does not align with anything that I said. In accordance with the finished work of Christ on the Cross, my POV is that no CHRISTIAN should be advocating the death of another for anything. As Christ showed us mercy when we were each worthy of death and hell, so too should we advocate mercy instead of death.
What I said CHRISTIANS should advocate has NOTHING to do with what the secular government advocates or punishes for.
I spoke to what I believe the CHRISTIAN position should be in lieu of The Cross.
after all, according to you who are we to righteously judge a punishment for the sins of others?
Nope. That's according to Scripture.
Please see that your line of reasoning is not logical,
I wasn't shooting for logical. What I said aligns with Scripture. What YOU THOUGHT I said does not.
Scripture plainly teaches that the government bears the sword to punish evil doers and that's found in the book of Romans, a New testament book.
Umm, I didn't say otherwise about what the government "can" do. That same government makes it legal for babies' skulls to be cracked and them vacuumed out their mother's wombs.
I spoke to what Scripture points to should be the position of CHRISTIANS when it comes to capital punishment. As such, in accordance again with the mercy that Christ showed us when we were deserving of death, the position of the Christian should be to NOT advocate for anybody's death, but in it's place, life and the same mercy Christ showed us.
YOUR position is only logical if you think you're less deserving of death than the next sinner.
Some of yall need to stop this pretense that you're pro- life while you're advocating for the taking of a life.