Not to mention that most churches go through youth pastors like they are going out of style. In the 6 years I was youth group age I went through 7 youth leaders. Let's just say that left me very frustrated and a bit cynical about churches in general. By God's grace I'm past that but 18 year olds should not be that cynical about churches.We will avoid that quandary. When I saw the 'churches' doing 'the peanut butter challenge' in their 'youth groups' led by their 'youth pastors' it helped to reinforce my stance. - no youth pastors. All worship together at the worship hour. Yes, sure, there are some 'good ones' out there, but to me it is just like saying a woman is a 'good pastor' in her defense as if that justifies that unbiblical position.
The other problem is that unless you were like me and also went to "grown up" church you would know no one when you graduated.
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