Well you can say that America was founded on Christian principles, also Jewish ones,
I would love to know what the appreciable difference is between a
"Christian" world-view and a "Jewish" world-view.
Is it moral absolutes?
Divine Command Theory?
Private-property rights?
Inheritance Law?
There's a term called a "
Judeo-Christian" World-view...
And I'd love to hear the signifigant difference between them from the stand-point of Philosophy of Government.
From the stand-point of the founding fathers...
even the Deists generally held that the Government should operate from a "Judeo-Christian" world-view, whether they
personally ascribed to the Theology or not, the principles were the same.
Ditto the above ^^
Post-Enlightenment Rationalist ones
LOL Right....
There's no appreciable difference between the Governmental Philosophies of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Maximillien Robbespierre and Jean-Jacques Rousseau :laugh::laugh:
No difference, none at all.
The founding Fathers had little to zero "Rationalist" pre-dispositions at all.
Colonialist ones, Continentalist ones,
I am all ears as to what the general World-views of a "Colonialist" and a "Continentalist" are....
What are the general philosophical world-view differences of a "Colonialist"? And how did they differ from say, an Episcopalian? Did they worship, a giant turtle? Despise Republican Government?
What is the World-view of an "other"?
The only application of a people-group defined as "others" I am aware of is from the t.v. series
I confess to being ignorant of the World-view of an "other"....
or a "Colonialist" for that matter. (since most of them were Puritans, Methodists, Baptists, or Congregationalists)
The reality is that America was founded as a melting pot of ideals and ideologies.
But not World-views....
There is a consistent general "Judeo-Christian" World-view which dominated the thought processes of the founding fathers....
and they took their cues from John Locke and Thomas Hobbes, not Voltaire and Roussea or any other rationalist as you allege.
That's the difference between the successful American Revolution of 1776 and the tyrranical bloodshed of the French Revolution in 1789 a scant 13 years later....
It was the difference between a godless rationalist worldview and a Judeo-Christian one.
Since Chrisitanity was the dominant religious form of Western Europe it certainly would be highly leveraged.
Not amongst the "Post-enlightenment Rationalists" who
you just claimed were a significant force in the founding of our Republic...
Give up that one on your list or remove this statement, they cannot
BOTH be true.
However, if you look at the philosophers who informed the Founders you'll find more there than in the Bible.
You are confusing the "philosophers" of Caltholic Western Europe with the "philosophers" of Protestant America:
There's an appreciable difference between Voltaire, Rousseau, Spinoza, Murat, Robespierre and Locke and Hobbes.
One group founded their principles upon the notion that all men were Created equal with certain inalienable rights because they were made in the image of God....and they created the greatest nation in the history of the World:
The other group founded their principles upon a godless and humanistic
libertie, egalitie, fraternitie, and slaughtered thousands of their own countrymen in what was known as the post-revolution "Reign of Terror".