Thomas, I don't disagree with you in principle since there is a move afoot these days to altogether remove God and His Word from the public arena and public discourse. But we must consider that we have more "Christian" resources available today through churches,bookstores, Internet, print, radio, TV and other means than at any other time in recorded history. And yet...there is a "dearth" in the land of sound teaching about the fact MUCH false teaching. Thus we have the "History Channel" bringing us another extremely flawed example of Bible "history" that is not accurate at all. The multitudes of non-Biblically literate people (saved or lost included) will probably "lap it up" without even once considering the flaws in the presentation. Very sad. I'll sum it up by saying this.... "a half-truth is still a whole lie." And since the subject matter is the Bible...the home of God's "absolute truth" as He wanted US to have it...I think that makes things even more troublesome.:tear: