Holder Calls U.S. 'Nation of Cowards' on Race Matters
Apparently Holder hasn't been around some of us who don't have that much problem telling like we see it! Maybe he only knows the silent "rich white men" that Obama's former pastor found so repulsive?
He also fails to note that people may be "forced" to remain silent and, at the very least, avoid any discussion of race else risk loosing their jobs for being "racist" thanks the government inspired paranoia in the work place over civil rights law suits. Somehow I can understand their reluctance but could hardly label it as "cowardice".
Maybe his purpose is to incite trouble to create an "emergency" to enact more control and resistant? Hopefully not but I'm growing more suspicious of these clowns every day.
As for after hours socializing, people - exclusive of those out to get something like political ladder climbers - tend to enjoy the company of those they like and have something in common with. Maybe there are social differences that a lot of people just prefer to avoid? Friends are friends regardless of race but it hardly makes one a "coward" if none of their friends are of a different race than their own.
He we have another misplaced public "servant" sought out by Obama to reform and conform the citizens instead of just serving them.
What's next on the Obamanite agenda? Will it be forced adult re-education classes on interracial relationship building outside of work to supplement all the mandatory and useless training received at work?
Beware of this one's agenda!