Ps 7:11 (NKJV) God is a just judge,
And God is angry with the wicked every day.
Right know I am very angry. I am very angry with the false teachers, especially pastors in the Unitarian Universalist, and Presbyterian USA churches. I do not refer to them as denominations because they teach another gospel (Gal 1:8). I have spent much time writing letters, mailing out gospel tracts, and sending emails in an attempt to mostly "reason" with the false teachers but in general my efforts have been ignored. I mean a while back I made an attempt to reason with a Seeker Friendly pastor and at least with him I got an argument (I usually do not write letters to other Christians) but with these others I mostly get no argument, and no response.
I know that God has a special place in Hell for the false teachers but I certainly wish they would try and argue with me, then at least I know they are thinking. God has ordained the false teachers as a judgment on the people and perhaps nothing I can do can stop this judgment. Nothing wrong with righteous anger, not that I am perfect, but being angry about a cause like this is justified.
I mean why are other christians not responding in droves to the false teachers and their counterfeit messages? Its the state of the church that angers me....
And God is angry with the wicked every day.
Right know I am very angry. I am very angry with the false teachers, especially pastors in the Unitarian Universalist, and Presbyterian USA churches. I do not refer to them as denominations because they teach another gospel (Gal 1:8). I have spent much time writing letters, mailing out gospel tracts, and sending emails in an attempt to mostly "reason" with the false teachers but in general my efforts have been ignored. I mean a while back I made an attempt to reason with a Seeker Friendly pastor and at least with him I got an argument (I usually do not write letters to other Christians) but with these others I mostly get no argument, and no response.
I know that God has a special place in Hell for the false teachers but I certainly wish they would try and argue with me, then at least I know they are thinking. God has ordained the false teachers as a judgment on the people and perhaps nothing I can do can stop this judgment. Nothing wrong with righteous anger, not that I am perfect, but being angry about a cause like this is justified.
I mean why are other christians not responding in droves to the false teachers and their counterfeit messages? Its the state of the church that angers me....