When I worked for the State of California Department of Vocational Rehab, I attended a seminar on AIDS at UCLA [back in 1987]. At this seminar, an instructor [who was gay] told this group that it had been the long range plan and agenda of the gay movement to achieve normalcy, acceptance, and the same rights as straights.
Thus, it doesn't surprise me one bit, that the homosexual movement has gained so much recognition and acceptance not only within societies around the world and here in America, but, within the church itself.
Their goal was to work on changing the minds and hearts of the young folks, generation-by-generation, because they felt these folks would be their door to normalcy. They believed, and it sure is proving their theory to be correct, that the youth of each new generation was pure of heart [without set morals against homosexuality], making the youth of the generations to come, their fertile ground for planting seeds of eventual acceptance.
This plan is working, and like it or not, the youth of today seem to see nothing wrong with homosexuality.
Could this new acceptance of homosexual sins be the fault of the church [all denominations included here] not teaching the truths, or, their lack of having a plan to speak out LOUDLY about the sin of perversion over the last 4 or 5 decades?
For instance, while the church has successfully beat back gay marriage here in California over the past five to ten years, they have went from a majority of 65% against same sex marriage, to less than 52%. If this erosion continues, same sex marriage will eventually be normalized in California, and across this nation, in the next decade for sure.
I don't know about you, but, I am concerned, and frustrated at the same time. Same-sex relations are nothing but perversion, but, the church seems to have lost the battle against immorality.
So, I challenge you on the Board to contact your elected officials and to tell them to not "cave into' accepting gays into the military. Stop allowing the schools to teach same-sex marriage. Demand that advertisers pull their ads from televising shows that show homosexuality in a positive light. Stop going to movies that glorify sexual lewdness, straight or gay.
Teach your children, and grandchildren the principles Paul spoke on in Romans 1, and remind them that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah were historical and that a God of love will still judge those who willfully embrace and commit sin.
We need to let the Word of God and our voices , in regard to same-sex anything, be loudly heard throughout this world. Please don't take the following as my support of radical Muslim teachings in any way, but, at least they still put homosexuals to death. Right, or wrong, at least they have a plan.
Today's church has all but lost it's focus when it comes to morality... and the time and opportunity to get it back is fading quickly.
I do know one thing. While God is on the throne, same-sex relationships will be judged, and those who practice this sin will be cast into the depths and pits of hell... and, all the time in the world and its political correctness will not stop this Biblical truth from coming to pass!
God will judge the world for becoming the exact duplicate of Sodom and Gomorrah, all over again!
Pastor Paul :type:
Thus, it doesn't surprise me one bit, that the homosexual movement has gained so much recognition and acceptance not only within societies around the world and here in America, but, within the church itself.
Their goal was to work on changing the minds and hearts of the young folks, generation-by-generation, because they felt these folks would be their door to normalcy. They believed, and it sure is proving their theory to be correct, that the youth of each new generation was pure of heart [without set morals against homosexuality], making the youth of the generations to come, their fertile ground for planting seeds of eventual acceptance.
This plan is working, and like it or not, the youth of today seem to see nothing wrong with homosexuality.
Could this new acceptance of homosexual sins be the fault of the church [all denominations included here] not teaching the truths, or, their lack of having a plan to speak out LOUDLY about the sin of perversion over the last 4 or 5 decades?
For instance, while the church has successfully beat back gay marriage here in California over the past five to ten years, they have went from a majority of 65% against same sex marriage, to less than 52%. If this erosion continues, same sex marriage will eventually be normalized in California, and across this nation, in the next decade for sure.
I don't know about you, but, I am concerned, and frustrated at the same time. Same-sex relations are nothing but perversion, but, the church seems to have lost the battle against immorality.
So, I challenge you on the Board to contact your elected officials and to tell them to not "cave into' accepting gays into the military. Stop allowing the schools to teach same-sex marriage. Demand that advertisers pull their ads from televising shows that show homosexuality in a positive light. Stop going to movies that glorify sexual lewdness, straight or gay.
Teach your children, and grandchildren the principles Paul spoke on in Romans 1, and remind them that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah were historical and that a God of love will still judge those who willfully embrace and commit sin.
We need to let the Word of God and our voices , in regard to same-sex anything, be loudly heard throughout this world. Please don't take the following as my support of radical Muslim teachings in any way, but, at least they still put homosexuals to death. Right, or wrong, at least they have a plan.
Today's church has all but lost it's focus when it comes to morality... and the time and opportunity to get it back is fading quickly.
I do know one thing. While God is on the throne, same-sex relationships will be judged, and those who practice this sin will be cast into the depths and pits of hell... and, all the time in the world and its political correctness will not stop this Biblical truth from coming to pass!
God will judge the world for becoming the exact duplicate of Sodom and Gomorrah, all over again!
Pastor Paul :type: