I am going to surprise everyone and agree with MP..
The reason is man was created in the image of God. Within that image is the sense of morality... The image has been distorted somewhat in different cultures.. but the basic sense of morality and value of human life is found in all cultures.
Even cultures that never had the Gospel, had laws prohibiting murder.
Stealing is wrong in all cultures..
In dispensationalism, this corresponds with the dispensation of conscience.
BUT it still comes down to GOD giving us these morals.. so if you want God out of any decisions in the goverment, you have to lose even the instinctive morals us humans have.
And to pick the moral of sharing with others, and not the moral of valuing human life in the womb.. then something wrong.
We should not pick and choose, but choose all that is right.
One of the morals that Obama is going against is the one that if you work hard at something, and earn the money, it should not be taken away to support others.
That deprives the one with the money from the blessing of giving. Mandatory giving is not giving with the heart.
His use of the word book was a distortion of what I said. The phrase word fo God" refers to God's will that has been made known and is not only held to parameters of the written word.