I guess Obama responded with a counter smear ad to Ayres.
How bad will this get by Nov 4?
How bad will this get by Nov 4?
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LeBuick said:I guess Obama responded with a counter smear ad to Ayres.
How bad will this get by Nov 4?
YOUTUBECANBESAVED said:30 days on character assassination, as our economy needs wisdom and people who want to solve problems.
but let it be known it is McCain/Palin starting this and Obama/Biden must defend themselves because the lessons of John Kerry and him being swiftboated.
sad to say this but negative campaigning does work, and that is totally sad, our elections process needs to be fixed, less money, less character assisinations.
My big question and someone should start a topic "What will be the October Surprise"
My top 5
1. Osama Bin Laden is killed
2. Israel bombs Iran
3. Racism in an attack Ad from and outside group
3. Blood shoots out of Glenn Becks eyes:laugh:
4.Vicki Iseman re introduced with more evidence
5.Evidence of John McCains temper and foul mouth
I know 6![]()
The only one I would accept is number one because it is all-American, but then comes the why now and why not the last 7 years? but it will not be seen that way , massive news cycle would benefit Bush/McCain/Palin.
North Carolina Tentmaker said:Sadly I don't think there will be an "October Surprise." I think Obama will continue to hammer Bush and failures of the Bush administration. McCain will contine to not only allow Obama to get away with lying adds but will neither defent himself or tell the truth about Obama because he is afraid of being percieved as negative. Republicans will continue to roll over and play dead and Obama will win by a healthy margin.
Of course then everything Major B said will happen.
Revmitchell said:There is no doubt McCain has gone negative at this point.
Major B said:I wonder myself if George Soros and other left wing finance people are not stoking the fires to make the market even worse.
McCain needs to go for the throat.
Major B said:McCain needs to go for the throat.
Bro. Curtis said:I think he
KenH said:I doubt that the idea of acting on Christian principles will even be considered by either campaign the rest of the way.
KenH said:"He" meaning John McCain? You write like John McCain is some paragon of virtue. IMO, John McCain is not fit to hold the sandals of men such as Jesus, Stephen, or Daniel. Neither is Barack Obama, or you, or me, or any other poster in this forum.
WOW Ken; really grasping aren't you?????????I think he should use Stephen for a role model. Call them vipers. He should be like Christ, and tell them what happens to people who would trick a widow out of her home. He should be like Daniel, who told it like it was, and didn't worry about the lion's den.
What?? Did you just get here? Obama has been doing this for month after month, even back to the primary season when he went negative against Bush and made the ludicrous claim that the next four years with a Republican president would be a continuation of Bush.but let it be known it is McCain/Palin starting this and Obama/Biden must defend themselves because the lessons of John Kerry and him being swiftboated.
Why is that a problem? You are not acting on Christian principles and that doesnt' seem to bother you. Why does it bother you that someone else is not? At least Obama doesn't make a serious claim to be a Christian (serious in terms of the biblical definition).I doubt that the idea of acting on Christian principles will even be considered by either campaign the rest of the way.
Major B said:The mainstream media's total focus on getting Obama elected can only be overcome by going to the mat with true things that Obama does not want to talk about..
Not in my book. I think they are both losers. But let's dispense with the nonsense that only one side is doing it, or that the other just started. They have both done it for a very long time.Evidently, the McCain campaign can do or say just about anything for the rest of this campaign in order to try to win and it will be given a pass on this board.
LeBuick said:You mean like saying Obama pal's around with terrorist?
Wasn't there a word or two in the book about lying? Dion't they end up in hades? I am pretty sure that's where they go.