The point of this thread is that it is inconsistent to hold that faith is a gift and that free will destroys faith.
In a way, I'd have to repeat myself from earlier.
The idea that man's will is free and unbiased towards God is not Scriptural.
The idea that
every man's will is freed by God in order to believe on Christ
when His word is preached, is not Scriptural.
The idea that faith is not a gift, but can be acquired by literally anyone "given the right conditions", is not Scriptural.
Election completely rules out the ability of all men to "exercise faith", or for all men to have an equal "chance" at being saved.
From God's perspective, they were written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world ( Revelation 17:8 ) and chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world ( Ephesians 1:4 ).
However, from
man's perspective, literally
anyone can be one of God's elect.
Therefore, in my opinion and firm belief:
The idea of man having a completely free and unbiased will, attempts to destroy the fact that faith is a gift from God.
It also attempts to destroy the fact that God has to open a person's heart ( Acts of the Apostles 16:14 ) in order for them to listen intently to the Gospel, and to believe it...
From the heart ( not just with the mind as some sort of "mental assent" ).
To me, the Scriptural proofs have been gone over many times...
Man is not a "free moral agent".
An entire
crowd of people sitting under the preaching of the Gospel does not become such, either.
Scripture says that we hate God ( Romans 1:30 ), naturally ( Romans 8:5-9, 1 Corinthians 2:14 ), and will not come to Him that we may have life.
That would require seeking Him and repenting of our sins
from the heart, which we simply
will not do ( Romans 3:10-18, Psalms 10:4, John 3:19-20 ).
We are corrupt, and in desperate need of a "heart transplant".
But that miraculous work is only accomplished in a person of His choosing, not our choosing.
To me, the teaching that man's will is "free", tries to convince someone that faith can be appropriated by some other means than it being strictly a
gift from God...
It teaches that a person can
acquire it in order to gain God's favor.
A sinner actively gaining God's favor as a result of some effort on their part, is not what the Bible teaches.
That constitutes
God deciding to have mercy and compassion on someone ( Exodus 33:19, Romans 9:14-18 ), is what His word teaches.
That is
That's also not "Calvinism".
That is
the truth, and it is developed
strictly from His word.
This is my final reply in this thread.
I wish all of you reading this, God's blessings in kindness through Christ Jesus.