This may be a political thread and deserving to be elsewhere, or it may be a theological thread, and I am re-thinking this given the book by Mac (on Muslims) that James sent me which is labeled as Biblical Studies. Anyways how dangerous is ISIS? I just downloaded some episodes by Jay Sekulow on this topic and plan to listen to them. I have not finished the Mac book that James sent me but got about halfway through and he definitely argues a very serious threat concerning the then Jihad, which today would be ISIS. Why does ISIS hate americans so much especially since Obama is turning his back on Israel? God promises curses to those that curse Israel in Genesis and surely drawing away protection from Israel will mean disaster for the US. The market crash in 2008 may have only been the beginning and there may be worse to come. My personal view is that 911 was the beginning and God so far has given this nation 13 years to repent but after 911 people got patrioartic but did not repent, and today people are neither patriotic nor repentant but instead have gotten more wicked than prior to 911. I believe ISIS is a judgment on America and God will use wicked people to bring about judgment just as He previously used the Assyrians to judge Israel. What say you?
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