Progressive Christianity is what you are talking about.
I have a couple of progressive friends who do go to church, but what they believe is unsettling to me:
- they don't believe homosexuality is wrong [At the "Christian" school that one sends her daughter to in Texas, they allow a homosexual young man to be on the dance line with the girls]
- they believe that being a Christian is all about social justice
- they openly only believe parts of the Bible that dovetail with their own beliefs
I have no idea how to reach these people. Because they reject parts of the Bible that offend them, what can one do other than pray like mad!
Pray like mad is a great start. Prayer does tear down strongholds. And sometimes you may just be planting seeds. If they truly believe in God but simply do not grasp what the scriptures are saying, then there is room for God to give growth.
I have found that people that call themselves "LC" actually do NOT believe in the God of the Hebrews. They are more so those wolves spoken of in scripture.......those wolves in sheep's clothing, (Title of Christian only) but live nothing like a true Christian. I have had many, debates with them ,along side of all other religions and atheist . I have found that these "LC" are more in line with other religions and the atheist than True Christians. These same 'LC" on college campuses will stand more readily along side,the pluralism in the debate and atheist than actual Christians.
When I tear down the Atheist false narrative( that there is no God), I find "LC" (AKA PHONY CHRISTIANS) scatter like roaches and flee the debate. So, I have learned not to consider these "LC" as Christians at all . Therefore I do not approach them as Christians, but simply as wolves in sheep's clothing. They have no faith in Christ,they just go through the motions, they just simply act like stumbling blocks to people who may be weak in knowledge of Christ, and easily swayed by their rhetoric. A half truth is the greatest lie of all because it is meant to deceive. A bold face lie is as thus (Bold Faced) and is recognized, but a half truth is a maligned truth, in order to appear validated. Deception is its name and many are in that game, whether unawares or willingly.
"LC" once they realize you can not deny the existence of God, then the next step is to show how all the religious practices, since ancient times to now, are all the same. There is only one , from the moment of its inception that has been different from all the others.
They will argue "then quantity must mean truth, because of commonality. The math is there, the numbers speak for themselves". I have heard this after speaking with"LC". They are actually for co-exist and have a - Bahá'í Faith: it is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people. Established by Bahá'u'lláh in 1863, it initially grew in Persia and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception. These people "LC" actually embrace things from all religions as true and even accept a lot of opinions of atheist. Whether they would call themselves a Bahai or not , you will find they do believe the same as this religion and therefore are not even Christian. They even support Jorge Bergoglio's approach of "I choose love", and embrace all.
1. Establish the undeniable truth that God exist.
2. Show the obvious differences between our Hebraic Christian faith and other religions
3. How Christ fulfilled prophecy up to this point and what He fulfilled.
4. Once fulfilled prophecies are shown , then show how all else that follows will too come to past.
There will be no doubt as to the rest of prophecy because it will be clear based on all that has been, all that will be then, can be fulfilled by no other.
That is my process. I find I will only gain a few as oppose to the many. Not because I am proven wrong but because then people realize Christianity is no joke and is not for the cowardly. Those whom I bring to the faith I baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I proceed to teach them the same truths I reveal here. They then fellowship with all the Christian denominations, Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant, and show no partiality . They adhere to the truths I have been graced to know. However, they seek to celebrate the Eucharist within a traditional Catholic Mass. If no traditional Mass be found and no priest is around who upholds the Traditional Mass,they celebrate at home between them and Christ, by using unleavened bread and wine and ask Christ to send His Holy Spirit to consecrate the gifts, they simply practice the faith as the First Church did.