I trained on the M-14 and was issued one while in the field (SE Asia). By about 1966 it was being replaced by the M-16. But the A-1 came to us with many flaws (it was rushed into production and issued to the troops in spite of known flaws). It had to be kept very clean or it would jam, and the rounds would often fail to go fully into battery. The A-1 did not have a forward assist lever so we would bang the operating rod handle into a handy tree or whatever else was available to clear the firing chamber. The forward assist lever came out shortly thereafter and helped a lot, but the real fix was to back off on the tolerances so a little mud or sand did not cause it to jam.
I guess the kids who came along later didn't have the respect for proper nomenclature (or much else, apparently) and/or didn't know enough about firearms to understand the difference between a clip and a magazine.