Salty, apparently you are not aware that the SBC Constitution was recently amended on this?
The former definition of an SBC church said:
"church which....Has been a bona fide contributor to the Convention’s work"
But now, the amended SBC Constitution very pointedly requires that
the contribution must be financial, and that those financial contributions
must be undesignated:
"church which...Has made undesignated, financial contribution(s) through the Cooperative Program, and/or through the Convention’s Executive Committee for Convention causes, and/or to any Convention entity"
To be considered Southern Baptist now, a church has to make
undesignated financial contributions to SBC work. Since the Cooperative Program funds the state convention as well (only about half of the $$$ at most ends up being forwarded by the states to the SBC), the national Convention does not mind if you bypass the CP and send all your $$$ directly.
But whether your qualifying financial contribution is made directly, or routed through the Cooperative Program, it is important to SBC executive committee and entity bureaucrats
that your giving be undesignated. They do not want an individual church directing them how to spend the $$$ it sends them.