All matters governing the affairs of mankind always falls into the hands of God. He instituted governments in the first place! He can raise and throw down kings, rulers, and governments. God raises these human institutions to the blessings or the scourge of the nations. And by all indications we are in the last days, for we see the morality of the world sinking fast. Can you on your own save even one of your hair from falling? The victories of Christians were not won on the battlefields but always on the knees!
Isn’t it marvelous how God interferes in our everyday lives? In the deepest despair of our human existence God is there, and He reaches down to lift us out of the miry clay onto the solid rock. Dr. Pat Creed, a missionary speaker in our church, in his recent sermon summarized this in 5 points. His Scripture passage was from 1 Kings 17:1-24.
1) Instruction (v.v. 2, 3). When God gets our attention, He is giving us a set of instructions in our daily walk.
2) Promise (v.v. 4, 9). After the instructions God reassures us that He will meet our need in a miraculous way.
3) Obedience (v.v. 5, 10). After the promise God wants us to obey Him. Only obedience activates God for a response.
4) Supply (v.v. 6, 15). God supplies our need and sustains us with strength if we obey Him.
5) Testing (v. 7). But in order that we remain dependent on Him, God tests us and reminds us (lest we forget) that our sustenance and our very existence are flowing from Him.
This cycle is repeating itself in our lives. We need to review our lives daily and see where we stand in God’s 5-point cycle and do those things, which God requires of us. Remember, revival does not start with the world – it begins with me!