My purpose is several fold. 1) to see that no child is homeless; living on the street. 2) to get as many kids back home; or into a safe invironment. 3) to try and get the kids into a Bible Preaching Church.
My initial contact varies. If the kid looks down (depressed), I try to start by saying that things can't be that bad. I try to get them to tell me what's ailing them. If they are a runaway, I probe why; and if feasable, have the kid call home. If the kid has other problems, I mention I'm a street minister; and just talk about the problem. Somewhere along the line, I mention Jesus; and go from there.
I've done this for 10 years now; and for some reason, about 10% of the kids seem afraid to talk to me. The ones that do talk to me, on many ocassions end up telling me, they wish I was their dad (I've legally adopted 4 of these; leaving their mothers name on the birth certificates; only changing the dads name).
I've gotten about 40 kids free Greyhound rides home (through police departments asking Greyhound for the ride).
I've also gotten about 75 or so, to get their parents to help them get home. My concern (besides bringing them to Christ), is to get these kids off the street; and to let them know, that there are caring people out there.
I'm concerned about how to get the other 10% to tslk to me.