As I was reading another thread yesterday, it struck me that we may have changed (generally) how we deal with alleged contradictions in the Bible. When I was a child, it seemed like unbelievers came up with them and Christians tried to answer them. Now it seems we have Christians coming up with them to use against other Christians with whom they don’t agree. (Probably always been some of that, just more obvious now that we have the internet, as opposed to dealing with this on a personal level.) Below are some examples of alleged contradictions in the Bible.
- There is a contradiction about who is the father of Joseph (Jesus’s stepfather). Matthew 1:16 says Jacob. Luke 3:23 says Eli.
- There is a contradiction about how Judas died. Matthew 27:5 says he hung himself. Acts 1:18 say he fell and his bowels spilled out.
- There is a contradiction about calling someone a fool. Jesus in Matthew 5:22 says don’t do it, lest engendering danger of hell fire. Paul does it, in 1 Corinthians 15:36.
- There is a contradiction about whether God authors confusion. Genesis 11:7-9 says he did at Babel. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says he doesn’t.