Kathy & Kennith,
You bet I'll pray for you!
I just went to the link I gave and it's not working on pg#2 so if you have trouble and don’t mind getting a big email, I will email it to you.
In the meantime
The Maginot Line:
The lush rolling hills situated between France and Germany were the backdrop for some of bloodiest trench warfare of World War One.
Hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen spilled their blood to defend those, seemingly, insignificant hills. What would prompt men to leave their homes and families for a trench? What would prompt a man to fight like a mad dog and die if necessary? One reason…. Those hills were between the enemy and Paris!
It was for this reason, after WWI, the French Government decided to build "The Maginot Line" a fortified line of defenses along the Eastern border of France. It is arguably, the most formational defensive position the World has ever seen. It consisted of about 150 miles of reinforced concrete bunkers housing large fixed Cannons each positioned so as to cover each other, pillboxes for machineguns, and tons of barbed-wire. What was most impressive about the line was what could best be described as an underground city. Vast underground caverns, in some places up to eight levels deep, containing Ammunition Stores, Soldiers Quarters, Hospitals, Airplane hangers a Gymnasium and even a Movie theater all connected by an underground Railway.
In late spring 1940, the stage was set. France had literally banked its future on the success of the Maginot Line. In the span of three weeks, the German blitzkrieg had made a mockery of the Maginot Line by simply going around it. I, by no means wish to glorify Hitler. My point in all this is to point out the tactics used and the similarities between the Maginot Line and the “spiritual Maginot Line” many lost people have constructed around their consciences.
The Maginot Line was the result of a previous War.
A spiritual Maginot Line is usually constructed after a bitter battle between Conscience and Conviction. Examples of this include Homosexuals, Alcoholics, and Whoremongers etc… they have constructed elaborate defenses in an effort to defend their “pet sin”. Any headway against such a fortified position will be bitterly contested; the battle-hardened arguments are more than enough to repel an unprepared Soul Winner. At times a frontal attack is necessary and, with the help of God, an overwhelming success!
When we encounter a spiritual Maginot Line we ought to seek orders from our commander, as to how to proceed. He will ether give us the power to attack or the wisdom to go around.
Our objective is not to get a drunkard to stop drinking, it would be nice, but all you would have for your efforts is a sober Hell bound sinner. Our objective is the conscience (Paris) and hears is how to go around all the arguments: if you encounter a Maginot Line of fornication for example, just bring out the heavy artillery of the Ten Commandments, as you quote each of God’s moral Laws look for a weak spot to exploit. For example if you detect that “thou shalt not bear false witness” struck a soft spot, go back and explain that Revelation 21:8 declares that “all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” And that “it is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment” ask what would be your fate should you die today? At this point, if you see signs of contrition you know you have breached their defenses.
Once again check with headquarters for further instruction. You will be prompted to ether first pummel the Maginot Line from the rear, or to bring the secret weapon (the Good News of the Gospel) to bear on the conscience, offer God’s terms for peace, Repentance and Faith.
During World War II, once Paris was occupied the Maginot Line was ordered to surrender.