I wish he could be a nice person like Rbell or Ken.
Thanks for the kind words.
However, if you get angry phone calls in the middle of the night, it's not me
Comparing him to me just might send him over the edge...
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I wish he could be a nice person like Rbell or Ken.
What left leaning racists do I give a pass? Who are you talking about? Sharpton, et.al? Whenever I do mention them, it is critical, but in passing.Sorry for the length; trying to be thorough.
After reading your blog--I would assert it's a dislike for virtually all conservative views. And frankly, you're not exactly even-handed in the treatment of conservatives versus liberals. Race is an excellent example. Time and time again, you give left-leaning racists a free pass. Why can't sin be sin, no matter which side is engaging in it?
Don't understand these last two points. I don't recall going directly into anti-iintellectualism.A point to concede: You are usually quite polite and measured in your responses. But politeness does not equal consistency. You tend to avoid ad-hominems. Congrats. But you do not give equal treatment to opposing sides for similar behaviors (see the "racism" point above; also, you often times reduce a Christian viewpoint on issues down beyond its true component. You seem to worry so much about "anti-intellectualism" that you are scared to side with Christian viewpoints on much of anything.
Well, I never thought anyone would object on those subjects being "lumped together". And they are in separate sections. To say "clever" and "dishonest" implies I know this, but are deliberately trying to do something with it.However...in your blog, you very seamlessly move from a hyper-fundamental issue ("Amy Grant isn't the antichrist," KJVO controversy) to a mainstream political issue (gun control, welfare reform, abortion)--and you lump "the right" on those issues in with the hyper-fundamentalists on other issues. This "guilt by association" is pretty clever. Factually incorrect...but clever. Misleading to the reader...but clever. Intellectually dishonest....but clever.
So that's why I don't completely identify with the liberals. I don't trust government either. (see also below on this).Conservative vs. Liberal:
But...liberals put their faith almost exclusively in government to rectify society's ills. Conservatives put more faith in the individual. The latter isn't foolproof, but it sure is better.
One issue is different from claiming all issues, which was what was happening here.Who's right?
Yes...but if a party platform happens to get an issue right, what's wrong with acknoledging such?
Abortion & Homosexuality:
Sickening. You have absolutely no ground to stand on with regard to abortion. Your argument fails on the Constitutional front: (remember "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness?" That first one is kind of important!) Your argument fails on the moral front: You can dress up your terms all you want--"conservative to libertarian"--but you simply are not willing to stand up for the most helpless of our society, and that is about as unChristian a political view as exists. It still amazes me that anyone would feel that a mother's taking the life of her baby is a "personal decision." Baloney. Your argument fails on the societal front: I can think of nothing more destructive and destabilizing to a civilized society than the murder of the children by the parents and their doctors--the two entities with the highest charge of protecting said lives.
Well, sorry about that. I guess I was wrong to say that. I've just given up on expecting the government to ever fix that problem. Everyone wants less government, less regulation, and even if you could have that, there is no guarantee it will ban abortion. The momentum of the secular viewpoint is too great. Haven't most of the Republican candidates even given in on it, to the point that a lot of you aren't happy with them?****
For those who say, "you can't legislate morality..."
Horsefeathers. Legislation is our recognition of a moral standard. Bad morality can be legislated...but one cannot have a code of laws that is fundamentally amoral. Why else would we outlaw killing, unless there was some higher moral law that made it wrong?
(Of course, in Eric's view, if you are an unborn baby, this does not apply, apparently...government 'shouldn't get involved,' I guess, in matters of right & wrong, life & death... :tear: ).
But I never say that. (all should have the same, and the government should force redistribution).The economy:
What is unsaid, but implied, is the idea that "everyone ought to have the same." Poppycock.
We as Christians are called on to give. We are called on to help those in need. And there is precedent for Christians, voluntarily and of their own initiative and action, living lives of "extreme" sharing. But nowhere is there precedent for forced govermental confiscation and redistribution. It doesn't work. It hasn't worked. It won't work.
I disagree. I think he has only proved himself to have a strong dislike for conservatives - his choice - but he can't bring himself to admit it instead hiding behind a ruse pretending to be neutral while essentially demanding that conservatives repent and compromise. His postings and his website prove that for us. His website lays out in his own words. He attacks everything from America's foundation - disgusting - to its present. His website reveals a strong racial tone as well with normal plea of victimization liberals like to play upon. Like so many liberals he has an annoying arrogant tone in his postings and I think that's something that upsets others a lot. His scriptural references are mostly gross misapplications of God's word that reflect nothing more than his own view - his biased "side" - as if no one but him has the "truth". It's essentially the same line in every thread in which I've seen him engage. It's a demonstrated pattern.
Well, you know what; I do admit it. (the arrogant tone) I'm basically responding in kind to what I am seeing; here, and over the past 30 years in politics. In a wide range of campaigns, writing, broadcast punditry, Christian writings, etc. I saw most liberal or Christian moderate responses as too soft-pedaled, and then vented in the same tone I have been seeing over the years. My wife always said I was becoming like those I was responding too.You have got to be kidding! You do lash out and wildly so! You have an arrogant tone in just every sentence you write. What you accuse others of doing is exactly what you do yourself. It's amazing that you don't see that or perhaps just don't want to admit it.
Well, you know what; I do admit it. (the arrogant tone) I'm basically responding in kind to what I am seeing; here, and over the past 30 years in politics. In a wide range of campaigns, writing, broadcast punditry, Christian writings, etc. I saw most liberal or Christian moderate responses as too soft-pedaled, and then vented in the same tone I have been seeing over the years. My wife always said I was becoming like those I was responding too.
So that was a mistake on my part.
Those pages are old, and contain a lot of stuff from the time I was getting off my chest (though some issues continue), and have moved away from the project, and even before this was thinking of what to do with it. Perhaps I'll just take it down. Maybe redo it for more current issues. Like in the racial area, it won't reflect "victimization" (But I wonder when conservatives will ever cut down on their victimization rhetoric. They're the ones who have mastered it now, and largely what I was responding to as well).
Now that I have seen conservative resposnses to it, I know how to tone it down so that you won't feel so unfairly put upon. So I apologize for this.
Well, you know what; I do admit it. (the arrogant tone) I'm basically responding in kind to what I am seeing; here, and over the past 30 years in politics. .
carpro said:Still waiting, JG.
carpro said:You are a troll.
Probably one that's been here before under several different names.
Have a good nights sleep child. Maybe when your mind matures, your eyes will open...like a puppy.
It is you that lies , young man.
But to yourself and God.
All of which has absolutely nothing to do with redistribution of wealth.
At any rate, as a wannabe attorney Kool Aide drinker, you should apply for work with the Obama administration. I'm sure they could use another brain dead attorney that knows as little as they do about how to assure national security.
While you're there, you can finish your indoctrination into marxism. Until you learn how to steal the money of hardworking Americans to give to the UN for redistribution to 3rd world countries, you're not really in their league.
That's a total cop-out. Going to the archives wouldn't be following anyone. I can see you would prefer to believe you are right, even if it's a lie about someone else, than find out that you are wrong.. Another liberal trait.
You're really a very dishonest individual. Not just about who you are and what you stand for, but your cloak of holier than thou Christianity is threadbare. It didn't take the readers here long to out you.
You might as well come clean. You're fooling no one here anymore.
Unlike, Eric B, I am honest about what I believe in and who I am, warts and all. Deceit is not in my nature, while it's part of the required makeup for a liberal.
He's just not mature enough to handle it any other way. Like a lot of college kids nowadays, he's been educated way beyond his ability to think critically and project those thoughts onto paper coherently.
You feel you have to keep trying because you are deceitful and dishonest.
Definition of "liberalism" , indeed. LOL
... What matters is honesty and integrity. If someone must swear an oath to uphold a document called the Constitution, then the only thing that matters in the realm of politics is the Constitution itself. ...
I didn't say "they made me do it".
Here's a small sampling of your lies taken from posts you've made. I've also included some of your hateful comments that aren't lies so people can see the hate that resides inside your heart shaped box.
Here's a small sampling of your lies taken from posts you've made. I've also included some of your hateful comments that aren't lies so people can see the hate that resides inside your heart shaped box.
Grow up.
And you are what you are; and that's un-serious.Semantics. Same-o same-o.
You are what you are.
There's no need to try to hide it anymore. Not here.
The fact that you don't see the blame game being used in both directions once again tells me you are a liberal. Blinded by your own ideology.
You've said it more than once.
How liberal of you to plead innocence of obvious guilt and , of course, blame others.
And you are what you are; and that's un-serious.
Let's not forget these bold faced lies
I don't think Paul3144 has a clue what he's talking about but it sure does have a classical liberal tone to it. It sounds so "cute" to suggest the root of conservative ideology is insecurity. If anything my observations are the opposite.
I did not say insecurity is the root of conservative ideology.