Yet I quoted my OP saying that I understand Calvinists 'explain it differently' that 'these are generalities' and that Calvinists don't deny personal obligation and responsibility...but you continue to close your eyes to these facts and turn things into something more combative...
Actually I painted myself as one who didn't own up while I was a Calvinist and readily said OVER AND OVER that was MY experience and was seeking discussion regarding others experiences and perspectives considering the logical conclusions of the respective systems of thought, but, Rob, keep telling yourself what ever you need to in order to paint me as the monster you have created in your mind.
Huh, and your not painting your theology as superior to mine? News flash, we all think our theological perspective is superior to the other, otherwise we wouldn't believe it to be true.
You know what is interesting, is that I can have a cordial and sincere conversation with one Calvinist right along side my discourse with you and you still can't see the obvious intent of my posts.
Your OP
never said that Calvinist do not deny personal responsibility!
Nothing in it claims what you are NOW stating.
Provide proof where your OP states this false claim of yours. It is NOWHERE in your OP. In fact, quite the opposite is true.
In addition, your subjective story is not factual, nor is what you've claimed above factual, nor are these facts in anything you've said in your OP that a person could close their eyes to. What you say is simply not there.
"Explain it differently" and "these are generalities" do NOT equal "Cals don't deny personal responsibility." Feeble attempt to justify yourself.
Again, provide proof your OP says that Cals don't deny personal responsibilty. It's not there. Anywhere. I'll wait for this proof.
How is fessing up "to when you were a Calvinist you didn't own up", but now that you aren't a Cal you do own up any different than what I said? This is what I've said all along, you claim that being a cal, on does not own up, and until you became a non-cal, you weren't able to own up because of your theology (implied). This is nothing but blaming something else for your behavior, and a slam against Cal theology.
You further prove my point here;
your attempting to show that unless one is non-cal, one does not own up or take responsibilty for ones behavior. Thanks for further substantiating this. Nothing in your OP shows otherwise. And nothing in your OP says or supports Cals as ones not denying personal responsibility.
Again, your OP does just the exact opposite, and this is the entire objective of your thread and OP in the first place, i.e., how ones theology negatively effects their behavior (Calvinism, according to you) and how ones theology positively effects behavior (non-cal theology, according to you.)
Fact is Charles, that your OP is a slight to and against Calvinist theology.
Interesting that the one Calvinist has been cordial to me.

You? Not so much.
What does cordial mean to you? "Those who agree with me and play along while I paint Cals as unable, and irresponsible, and incapable of "owning up."'"
Non-cordial to you? Any person who disagrees with your OP and accusations toward Cals.