Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States could have dire consequences for the coalition fighting ISIS and Al-Qaeda. In effect, it could help generate new momentum for the jihadi movement that has stagnated during this period. Al-Qaeda remains isolated in certain areas (e.g., Yemen), while ISIS has lost territory in Libya, Syria and Iraq.
It is clear that Islamist militants preferred Trump over Clinton for one simple reason: His Islamophobic rhetoric can be a useful propaganda tool for recruiting young Muslims. It’s not clear if they are right, but the travel ban seems to confirm this. Data from jihadi discussion forums indicate that supporters of ISIS viewed the decision favorably. They uForumsnderstand perfectly well that anti-Muslim prejudice could reinforce their narrative that Islam is under attack by the West. ISIS and Al-Qaeda have long embraced the clash of civilizations thesis because it can easily incite emotions of fear, anger and revenge. The ban, they hope, will fuel anti-American sentiments and create more tension with the Muslim world. It could even push some Muslims to join jihadi groups in a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.
It is clear that Islamist militants preferred Trump over Clinton for one simple reason: His Islamophobic rhetoric can be a useful propaganda tool for recruiting young Muslims. It’s not clear if they are right, but the travel ban seems to confirm this. Data from jihadi discussion forums indicate that supporters of ISIS viewed the decision favorably. They uForumsnderstand perfectly well that anti-Muslim prejudice could reinforce their narrative that Islam is under attack by the West. ISIS and Al-Qaeda have long embraced the clash of civilizations thesis because it can easily incite emotions of fear, anger and revenge. The ban, they hope, will fuel anti-American sentiments and create more tension with the Muslim world. It could even push some Muslims to join jihadi groups in a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.