Thanks for illustrating the problem with Christians today. I guess I really shouldn't say today, because this has been gone on for centuries. You'd fit in well at Salem.
Well Wade, HAMel has a point. There are some people that are too far gone to bother with.
Take you, for example? You are never going to be a friend to those on the board you hate, including me; so why should any of us even try to make things better? You are a card carrying hater, and not just toward me, but others on this board.
To begin with, on 10/21/14 in a thread titled:
"We are Commanded to Love Others. But do I have to LIKE you?" on post #2 -
"Answer: Nope...there are definitely some people on here that I don't like. Right or wrong, that's how it is."
In another thread you stated -
"If you are looking only for constructive feedback and not debate and/or argument, then you should post in the Fellowship forums, specifically "Missions / Witnessing / eVangelism."
"Some members on this board hide behind private messages and attack others. They are shamed by their attacks, so must do it in darkness. Are attacks like the following acceptable in private messages? [quickest way to get kicked off? post private messages in public.]"
However, you have painstakingly saved comments between you and me on PMs .... and when the time seems right for you, snip, snip, paste, paste .... and there it is. Another clipping from an old conversation, PRIVATE ay I add that you posted to mock me, make a point, or simply to embarrass me! Yeah, I guess you are right .... there are certain people you dislike.
More Anti-social comments underscored with hostility: "Hey talk the talk that you are an expert on parenting and raising children. You continually remind all of us of your vast experience in the field. What you fail to mention along with all this is that you failed as a parent. You daughter is a sexual deviant. Lots of good your time outs and stern talks did."
"Ignore lists are for sissys!" :laugh:
"If my post mentioned anything about elephants or underwear you might have made a point. All you've really done is continue your normal game of acting like a fool."
"Grabbing the popcorn and getting ready for the dog and pony show. Will he bring out the "bully" accusations? Will he talk about the secret group of liberals that band together to attack conservatives on this board? Will he actually provide proof? This will be interesting."
"Curiosity killed the cat and it might kill The Dude too (is this some kind of a physical threat? It could be construed as one). You know, that's not how ignore is supposed to work! You are supposed to ignore me. Your ramblings show your have trouble putting together intelligible thoughts when you aren't flustered, but when that anger kicks in your rambling starts to make no sense.
Why don't you go and right another vanity published book? Or pay to have your name in another Who's Who?"
"This makes me love still being on ignore. It means that The Dude can't be as "curt and pithy" as I can!"
"These posts just become more stupid as The Dude continues to work himself up."
"The Dude needs to take a break from writing vanity titles and do a little reading/research."
Written to another, but referring to me?
"Why do you bother posting in the debate forums if you are unwilling to debate. They should make a forum for you and The Dude where you can post topics and people are only allowed to agree with you. Both of your egos need it."
And here is more of your "In your face" provocations! - "Self-publishing is just a nice way of saying vanity press. With a true vanity press, you pay them to publish the book and they'll do formatting etc for you. With self publishing, you pay someone else to do the formatting etc for you and then (in today's digital world) they print on demand for you and take a cut of each book sold.
As for Who's Who lists...I will issue you a challenge. I will get myself listed in a Marquis Who's Who list (this is one of the Who's Who you tout being in). If I am able to get myself listed, will you admit they are a sham?"
"You seem to get a lot of disrespect on this board. Maybe you should take a day off?"
"Once again the vanity book writer needs to concentrate on his reading comprehension. My statement was in response to Hamel saying:
"I 'spoze dat' be 'cuz I'sa jus' ain't ah-smart as uze."
I actually complemented him by saying he wasn't as stupid as he thought he was." Now that is durn nice coming from you. Must have been one of you nicer moods?
"You, old goat!" A recent referral to me. And not the first time you attacked me for being a senior citizen!
"I was attempting a alluded that if someone disagrees with The Dude that they get on his bad side. I further alluded that simply conversing with him could make him play the victim."
You are provocatively evil, always looking for a fight, and you play a dirty game by intentionally doing whatever it takes to insult someone, discredit someone, mock them, embarrass them, humiliate them, and physically threaten them. Then you do your best to whip up others to do your bidding and pile on the person you do not like!
This is a debate forum Wade, not the Jerry Springer Show. It is surely not a hate, thy neighbor forum. And personally I think you are in the wrong place. Be it, me; HAMel; Rev.; Evangelist; Jedi Knight; Solo Saint. You name them, you have been sarcastic, demeaning and down right nasty to the people "You don't like!"
I think that people like you need to take more seriously the current WWJD question and start asking yourself this question before you write a post of PM to another in an attempt to hurt them and belittle them in the eyes of those who you do like!
You do owe HAMel an apology, but none of us are holding our breath! Still, may I suggest that your New Years resolution be, WWJD? and start asking that before, during, and after you finish a response and before you are ready to hit the send button! :tear:
Just like you are so often freely doing, the above is merely my opinion. It doesn't matter, and will mean even less to you because after all, I am merely a "vantiy" writer, who paid to be listed in Who's Who publications. Still, I write this, hoping that the humanity within you will see this general rebuke as someting that is needed so you can discover what you're missing by "hating" so many brothers and sister on this board! Shalom?