One of my pastor's favorite sayings is along the lines of, "If your theology hasn't changed in 10 years, you aren't really studying."
So that makes me wonder, how has the theology of our various BB'ers changed over time?
And do you think that is an accurate statement?
For me personally:
I've moved from Dispensationalism to New Covenant Theology/Progressive Covenantalism
From pre-Trib, pre-mill to historic pre-mill (post-trib) with a-mill leanings
From totally free-will Arminian to a strange hybrid that I'm not really sure what I'd be called. (That's a technical term)
So that makes me wonder, how has the theology of our various BB'ers changed over time?
And do you think that is an accurate statement?
For me personally:
I've moved from Dispensationalism to New Covenant Theology/Progressive Covenantalism
From pre-Trib, pre-mill to historic pre-mill (post-trib) with a-mill leanings
From totally free-will Arminian to a strange hybrid that I'm not really sure what I'd be called. (That's a technical term)