You argue against yourself, neither do you read my post carefully.It is absolutely relevant. You and others continually seem to argue that the fact all men sin PROVES they are born with a sin nature. That is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. The scriptures themselves prove people without a sin nature can sin.
First, having a sin nature is not a requirement for sin as you insist.
This false accusatory statement you have stated over and over again, but no one said it was. Your statement is simply a red herring because no one is saying it is a requirement for sin, but you.
1. We are born with a sin nature.
2. We sin because we desire to sin.
Both statements are true. Adam and Satan sinned because they desired to sin--out of rebellion. No one forced them to sin. Thus your argument is entirely bogus.
"The whole creation groans and travails until now." Even the creation itself waits until Christ comes and restores the earth back to its original state. That is when He will lift the curse. The Bible tells us what will happen then. The lion will feed on grass; the lamb and the lion will cohabit together, etc. Thus was it in the beginning before the curse was instituted. Read Romans 8.You do not know that the lion did not kill before the fall. The scripture deals with men, not animals. Romans 5 is not speaking of animals. In fact, it is not even speaking of angels, because Satan and the angels sinned BEFORE Adam. Satan was the first sinner in the world, not Adam. So Romans 5 is speaking of men only.
We can't imagine what these animals looked like. Mosquitoes were not harmful to man, and thorns and thistles either did not exist or were not harmful to the earth. Everything in nature lived in perfect harmony with each other.I am not saying the lion killed before the fall, I don't know. But the lion certainly seems designed to kill. Did the Great White Shark eat plants before the fall?
Yes, that is evidence that it is that way.That is the question. And the fact that sin dwells in flesh does not mean men were born that way.
To compare us to Adam and Eve is a wrong comparison since they are created beings. It is Christ that is compared to Adam, not us. For Christ is the second Adam. Even in Romans 5:19 Christ is compared to Adam. Your comparisons are wrong. We are born into the wrong family, born into the family of Satan, born with a wrong nature, and therefore need to be born again. God needs to restore in us part of the nature, the image of God that was lost, back in us. Three times he says: "You must be born again."If you are saved the Holy Spirit dwells in you, but you were not born that way. Did the spirit of Satan dwell in Adam and Eve before they sinned? Why couldn't it be the very same for us, that the moment we decide to sin is when we become children of the devil?
The prodigal son was just that--prodigal. He was a son. He was never "lost." He was a son that had gone astray from his Father. One cannot lose their salvation. He had lost his fellowship with his father. He had gone astray. There is no spiritual salvation that is lost here.In fact, I think this is exactly what the scriptures show. The prodigal son belonged to his father at first. It was only when he willingly and knowingly went out in sin that he was "joined to a citizen of that country" which I believe is a figure of Satan.
Luk 15:11
He had a father. The unsaved don't have a father. The unsaved have as their father, the devil. This son's father was always the same father, who represented God. He represented someone who had gone astray from his father.And he said, A certain man had two sons:
The prodigal son was not lost here, he was not dead in sin, and he was not separated from his father.
Luk 15:15 And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.
This is when I believe the prodigal son became a child of the devil, when he willingly and knowingly joined himself to Satan. I believe this is the very reason Jesus told us these facts in this parable.
Baloney. There is not one word of scripture to support this theory, which wasn't even known until the 17th century.
You never read your own article did you?
- “Harwood’s understanding is flawed and …dangerous to the church”
- “Harwood’s position against imputed guilt is indeed flawed and flies in the face of the plain reading of scripture… . This denial of imputed guilt allows the onus to be, once again, on man. Man decides when he is guilty. God cannot impute guilt without man’s decision. Not in the non-Calvinist, at least the new non-Calvinist world” (//link)
- “Harwood’s, and those who agree with him, need to be very careful. One simply has to look at the Unitarian movement… and the WOF movement… Both…reject the doctrine of original sin… . When one no longer believes that we are guilty as a result of inherited guilt from Adam, it opens the door to true heresies such as universalism” (//link)
- “Denying that Adam’s sin brought guilt to all persons who ever lived…is virtually ‘another gospel’… we must never-the-less state clearly what this denial is – - heresy if not worse” (//link)
- “That is an unorthodox view, not to mention self-contradictory”
- This is a damnable indictment against him and his philosophical spewing against the Biblical doctrine of Original Sin and the depravity of man. He is obviously wrong, and outside the orthodox position of Christianity.
By the disobedience of Adam we are all made sinners. We inherit a sin nature. By the obedience of Christ we are made righteous. Righteousness is imputed by belief in Christ. Here is the obvious teaching of Romans 5:19.Adam was the legal precedent for those who sinned as he did. They were also judged or "made" sinners and the sentence of death passed on them as it did Adam. Likewise, those who believe on Jesus as Jesus believed his Father are imputed or "made" righteous and are given life.
You questioned God all throughout that post.I am not questioning God and you know it. This is total dishonesty on your part.
Why would God do this and why would God do that? It would make better sense if God would do this... etc.
Who are you to question God, and tell him what to do? Who put you in that position? I am asking you seriously. Go back and read your post. Why do you question the actions of God. It was God that allowed Adam to sin, and God that brought a curse upon mankind. It is called The Fall. It is described in great detail in Genesis chapter 3. You seem to question its outcome.
Yet, that is what the Bible teaches.I have faith in God, and that is why I know God did not curse men to become sinners.
If not, then why would Paul say:
Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
--Christ was made a curse for us. Why? Because the entire race of mankind fell under the curse as sinners.
That is not what it says in Romans 5:19. By Adam's sin we are all made sinners (from birth--obviously).It may have been Adam's sin, but it was God who determined the punishment for that sin. There is not one word in the curse that supports that God caused Adam to have a sin nature, and that this sin nature was passed down to all his descendants. That is a total invention of man.
Gal.3:13Show me in the curse where God said man would have a sin nature, and that all his descendants would be born with a sin nature, you can't do it.