In Feburary 2009, Obama signed the $787 Billion stimulus bill and the extension of the S-CHIP, children's health care program.
In February 1981 Reagan had already sent to Congress his sweeping budget revision plan and his huge tax cut plan. He was urging citizens to call their representatives in Congress and tell them to pass the bills.
In February 2001, George W. Bush was aggressively advancing his agenda. He started with his education overhaul package, then his faith-based initiative, introduced his $1.6 Trillion ten year tax cut plan (the Bush tax cuts), and sent his $1.96 trillion budget to Capitol Hill.
Trump? He had a good first week, signed some EO's, appointed Gorsuch, met some world leaders. Then he got bogged down in the Flynn resignation, the Russian connection accusations, the botched travel ban rollout. He's gone golfing in Mar-a-Lago three weekends in a row, had a couple of press conferences, and held two rallies. No matter what Hannity tells you, compared to these other guys Trump is flailing and not getting anything done.